Cassis is one of my favourite villages in South France, famous for its shrillest cliffs (one of the highest maritime cliffs in Europe) and the beautiful Calanques, the emerald-green sheltered inlets. It’s also well-known by its white and rosé wines.

Located in east of Marseille (about 20 kilometers’ away), Cassis was built by the Ligures (some say, the Greeks) between 500 and 600 BC as a fishing port. During the Roman times, besides of fishing, it’s used as part of maritime trade with North Africa and the Middle East. In the 15th century, the Count of Provence, René of Anjou gave the town to the Bishops of Marseille, who ruled the town until the French Revolution in 1789. The village was rebuilt on the old ruins in the 18th century, yet some old buildings could be traced back to the 16th century.

The charming scenes of Cassis obtained the favours of famous artists, such as Derain, Dufy, Matisse, and Vlaminck. The fantastic cliffs along the coast and the beautiful quiet port frequently appeared in their works. In the 18th century, new industries developed in Cassis: the drying of cod, the manufacture of olive oil and clothing, wine-making, coral work and the exploitation of local stone. Actually it’s the stone of Cassis that made the town well-known, which could be found in the construction of those large Mediterranean ports as Alexandria, Algiers, Piraeus, Marseille, as well as the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Today, the stones mostly meet the domestic market for sinks, swimming pools, ect.

As the time changes, most of old industries begin to disappear, except wine-making. This peaceful fishing village turns into the resort of European petit bourgeoisies who want to escape from the noisy cities. The rich and celebrities also come and buy houses here for summer vacation, which brings along the flourish development of Cassis tourism industry and a surge of shops and restaurants. Nowadays, this ancient port is full of world-wide tourists for sightseeing, swimming, diving, boating. They sit outside of restaurants in the bright sunlight, enjoying their wonderful time with one cup of coffee, or the delicious seafood with local white wine. It’s said that the worst period is during June, July and August. Every corner of Cassis is occupied by tourists. The beach is even worse, terribly flooded by various human fleshes. Luckily, Mr.T and I went there in the end of April. The amount of tourists was still acceptable. Walking on the sands with my bare feet, I enjoyed the sun, the breeze from the sea and the view of old castle of the 14th century on the cliff. Life is great with Mr.T, haha. The pity is that we couldn’t visit the famous Calanques, the pretty-green sheltered inlets and unique white limestone cliffs along the coast from Cassis to Marseille, due to the cancellation of ferry service because of strong winds and waves. Anyway, we will go there next time when free, oh yeah.

001 the famous vineyard of Cassis

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007 the 14th Century Castle on the cliff

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012 The old fountain(water is drinkable)

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013 a small square near the fountain

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014 Pretty girl on the street

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015 Interesting sign

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Cassis South France Photography Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

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91 thoughts on this Post

    1. 可惜没参观到有名的海湾与峭壁,不然可以拍许多”明信片” :))

  1. 话说真的有粉色的葡萄酒吗,那一定很漂亮的说~ :O) :O)
    那个美女很瘦哎~ 侧面很好看。 :-*

    1. :O) 有啊, 以后发来看看。。。一般闲暇午后喝,我都喝的不亦乐乎 =))

  2. 这天蓝的,这海蓝的,好纯粹

    1. 我也不知什么花儿。。 O:-)
      英语嘛,生存式的咯,机场海关、酒店、餐厅、搭车问路什么的总要会的 🙂

  3. 嗯,。。喜欢3.4.5张照片,街边很随意的。。。很干净。。看上去的感觉好好

  4. 好美的风景啊,好惬意的生活!

    1. 去的时候是下午,晚饭得九点左右呢。观光完毕就驱车回“家”啦 🙂

    1. 是哈。估计旅游旺季有游客直接从海边走过来,有碍瞻观 :))

  5. 忽然想到个问题,岚女是不是懂法语? 还是很懂法语?

    1. 人家崇尚美黑,当然有条件就去晒 😉 就像国人崇尚美白,不整成白墙不罢休

  6. 绝美的风景,而且感觉人不是特别多,比国内那些4A、5A强多了,到处都是人头攒动。

  7. 我也是来看图的,那么多介绍地儿的直接忽略。

  8. 不知道你是搞什么的。每次都能有那么多地方的跑来跑去的玩。。。

      1. 魔女嘛,当然是很高贵的,很自由的啦!

  9. 生活真悠闲啊,我都想去,不过,不懂法语啊,只会说中国话啊

    1. 金山区不是有海滩的嘛,威威,不过不知道质量怎样。。 🙂

        1. 现在国内海边的环境真是不行了,污染太严重。

  10. 巷子里,两张桌子,几把椅子,两盆小花,这样就够了。。

  11. 第一张图不是你拍的吧。那个视角估计只有航拍效果才能出来吧

  12. 葡萄园也有A、B、C级?

    1. :)) 那倒不是,是要求穿戴整齐,大概有游客着泳衣直接从海边过来,有碍观瞻

  13. 話說,每一組照片前面都是一大段洋洋灑灑的歷史背景介紹,
    我最怕歷史什麼的了,嵐女你好厲害 ~~~

    1. 背景什么的总要介绍一下,不然光放图片,看起来和其他地方没什么两样 😀

  14. 今天看了《生活在别处》 看着你的旅游照片 让我想起文章里所描述的一些必须在路上的人 ^^

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