Life Baby Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

Winter has been here and soon a year will come to the end…(sigh)

My little girl soon will be 2 years old,too. She is pretty sweet,lively, full of energy,running around the house all day while touching and digging everything that she finds interesting. No doubt that I’m extremely exhausted after chasing her from morning to night…
Ok, enough nagging about the tiresome life of a new mother. What I need is a Holiday! Yes, Christmas & New Year are coming, as well as Adriana’s birthday. Nothing would be better than a hand-made gift, wouldn’t it? After reading some cute cardboard DIY posts, I got the idea of making a fairy house. Slowly slowly, during the girl’s short naps, I did the house very very slowly…Over 10 days’ work, my first cardboard project finally was done with the colour paintings, which not only surprised Mr.T (myself, too), but also attracted my little girl to play inside with great joy. Hooray! That’s priceless and worth it!


TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

002 The little inspector

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客

003 Ok, All done.

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

004 The Princess of Green Pea

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客


TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

006 At night, I guess the window looks more attractive

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

007 Another DIY: a Christmas tree

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

008 A gift for Adriana: the unicorn

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

009 Happy Christmas & New Year! + Chinese New Year!

TaipeiLife HolidayDIY Cardboard FairyHouse Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

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51 thoughts on this Post

    1. right…光阴似水, 一去不复返。。行千里,再回首,白发已满头

  1. 转眼又一年,时间都去哪了?
    几个月不见都变成小姑娘了,遗传了岚姐的基因…这手艺和配色so beautiful。

    1. 3 Q very much…^_^还是比较像她爸, 每次出去总有人目光闪烁地问:你…女儿?

  2. 好吧,新年来临之际终于更新了!
    邻家有女初长成, 翻箱捣柜,这性格像谁 ~~~~

    1. 原本想弄个屋顶挖下门窗就完事,大头目问不上色吗?我说好吧。彩绘效果确实很好^_+

    1. 找个冰箱或TV的大纸箱,随便挖几个洞做门窗还是可以的嘛,哈哈

    1. 毛绒玩具么, 当然不是我做的; 可爱的小姑娘么,当然也是我做的,hoho

  3. wowow~~姐姐能做出来这些一点都不惊讶,超美~
    Hahaaa好幸福的小仙女,等她再大点,钻不进去了她会跟你说“麻麻,做个大点的”୧(⁎˃ ◡˂⁎)୨

    1. Ms Dora来了, 热烈欢迎。。\^_-/
      3 Q very much…本来只想随便做个纸屋子,越做越复杂,哈哈。小家伙四处搞破坏,东扯西扯,这小屋能坚持几个月就不错了

  4. 好漂亮!也与评论区的人有同样感慨:一杂眼小宝宝都这么大了。以后可以说:小朋友,叔叔是看着你长大的。

    1. 哈哈, 的确哦。。浩大一群bloggers+新老读者朋友。。圣诞快乐

    1. 对于小孩子来说,只是多了个好看的玩具,然后开始搞破坏, 哈哈

  5. 新年快乐啊!

  6. 岚姐做的这个充满童话趣味的小屋真是太棒了!我现在的二娃也是个小姑娘(一岁半了),真想也给她做一个这样的小屋子。有了这样的童话小屋,就不用每天让她哥哥用沙发的靠垫垒屋子了。

    1. 哈哈,多谢夸奖^_+。。反正春节长假有的是时间,Yang兄弟就给小姑娘做个纸箱小屋,再拿画笔涂抹几下,有趣的童话小屋就做好了\^_^/Happy Chinese New Year

    1. 风平浪静时, 没感觉时间流逝; 万事蹉跎时,简直度日如年,特别艰辛就会一夕白发

    1. 万事开头难, 不要设定目标太高,做起来就得心应手, 哈哈

  7. 瓦楞纸的DIY很不错,有创意,我们之前有道具都是网上买的那种瓦楞纸的飞机模型拍照。

    1. 还好啊,大部分人正常生活工作,每周有稳定的防疫口罩和酒精可买;不过,最近一波欧美学子返台潮,病例突增不少,虽说咱也不怎么外出,也得倍加小心才是。。

  8. 有了娃,家长都变成了全能型选手嘛,啥都能想办法做出来,小房子还是很漂亮,宝宝还是好可爱好可爱….又想掐一掐了

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