Located in the 8th arrondisement of Paris, Avenue Montaigne is the leading fashion and luxuries area in the world.

When Mr.T and I took the double-decked tour bus leaving Opera for Place de la Concorde, we passed a street full of glimmering jewelry shops. “Look, Avenue Montaigne, the street of global top fashion and luxuries.” Mr.T smiled. I had a quick look at it in silence, pretending not interested. Honestly, I do concern about western fashion, but not damned luxuries. Well, not true. I just don’t have any good feeling for those who only keep money as their God, especial materialistic women, as well as the pretentious parvenus. However, it doesn’t mean I cannot appreciate the beauty of jewelry with pure love( If not, I must have been a man).So the next morning when Mr.T asked me “Honey, where do you want to visit today?”, I combed my long hair and replied without thinking, “Avenue Montaigne”.

Avenue Montaigne, the name comes from the French Renaissance writer, Michel de Montaigne. Since 1980, it has been the street of high fashionable dresses and accessories in France. Now, this avenue boasts numerous stores of world famous brands, as Chanel, Dior, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Valentino and jewelers like Bulgari, Cartier and other upscale establishments. Just look at their shining jewels in the beautiful windows, my eyes almost got blind, hahaha…
No doubt the place attracts the rich, also the robbers. In the end of 2008, the Harry Winston boutique was robbed by a gang of armed men who dressed as women, with a total loss of €80 million (about US$100 million) worth of diamond rings, necklaces and luxury watches.

Ok, that’s it.

001 The Rain loves me…

Paris Avenue Montaigne Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会



Paris Avenue Montaigne Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

011 A glimmering bag.Oh, God, give me one, Pls.

Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

012 The Luxury necklace of Bulgari
Inspired by the famous painting of Sandro Botticelli,La Primavera

Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

The woman who’s attracted by the shining jewlery,haha

Paris Avenue Montaigne famous jewelry Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Avenue Montaigne Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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113 thoughts on this Post

  1. 街道上都不怎么看见人,是不是外国的人比较少上街啊。我是林肆的小号哈! :))

  2. 请注意,请注意!魔女出没,请注意隐蔽!(警用喇叭大声叫喊)~~~我怕被石化,嘿嘿…

      1. 怕怕…话说,你是来买首饰的还是来拍照的?拍了这么多,到底买了没有啊? 😀

            1. 只拍了展窗而已,谁会来阻止你,又不是天朝 😉
              买?你对奢侈品真没概念,单一枚简单的戒指就5、6万rmb @-)

              1. 想想天朝,你一走进去就有个贴身小二相随,你要是不买东西,不要说拍照,你连多待一会都觉得尴尬…

                1. 阴魂不散地跟着也就算了,试穿试戴几下不买,服务态度非常差 X(

          1. 我直接吃鲜肉,血水充足, 美味啊 O:-) 你那份自己看着办哦

                1. 嗯,先从胸口撕一块肉来试吃,不合口味的话就全部给kita O:-)

  3. window shopping也挺享受的

    那些顶级奢华品 也各各是一种艺术啊

  4. 偶喜欢005的大花 嘿嘿 磨砂的很低调呢~~ :O)
    姐姐的长黑发在异国的大街上一定是很美的风景线~ 😀 😀

    1. 价格不错?那可是奢侈品耶…. :evil 阿拉伯石油大亨才买得起

      1. 我指的不错其实是带引号的!! :(( 我们要追求不以浮华装饰自己呢~ :O)

            1. 不要介么消沉悲观嘛,年青人 O:-) 世界绚丽多彩,等待乃去探索

  5. 希望博主删除友链的同时能通知下。。。对你的做法表示遗憾

  6. 011 镶满宝石的小包。神啊,请赐给我一个吧

            1. 唔,看情况了 B-) 虽然女孩子说别浪费,其实谁都喜欢礼物,尤其重要意义的场合

        1. 晕?谁的反应这么剧烈? 😉 反正我是不会,送我一百克拉的钻石也不会

    1. no,no,应该是钻石加工厂,多么璀璨多么光芒四射啊啊啊 :O)

    1. 从这个角度来说,谁不是呢,除了那些身家上亿美元的富豪 ;;)

    1. 云某还看那么综错复杂的电影? 😉 这种题材,我不是很感兴趣

  7. 還真的是珠光寶氣 還都是一些奢侈品牌
    女人 很好很強大 一個成功的男人身後一定要有個會花錢的女人

    1. 男人忙工作忙事业,没时间花钱,于是找个老婆来花钱咯 =))

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