Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Located in Lijiang, Yunnan province, Jade-dragon Snow Mountain is a famous mountain range in Southwest China. Its ancient glacier keeps melting into water, pours out as many creeks from the ground after filtered by rock strata. Several streams coalesce into a river across one new-moon shaped valley near the Spruce Meadow in the east. Blocked by the rocks, the river jumps and forms 4 bigger pools: Yuye Lake, Jingtan Lake, Blue-moon Lake and Tingtao Lake, plus one terrace-like terrain: White-water Terrace, the holy land of Dongba religion. The lake water looks amazing blue during sunny days, as a huge marvelous jade lying at the foot of Jade-dragon Mountain. The whole valley is like a beautiful blue moon in the embrace of Snow Mountains, wreathed by the clouds in the mist. So gorgeous, isn’t it?

Blue Moon Valley is the former tourist site, White-water River. When it’s good weather, the river appears unreal blue, while pure white colour during rainy days because of its white limestone riverbed and ground (that’s why people call it White-water River). In the hot summer of June, the valley was very charming with cool air. Mr.T and I walked along the lake bank, impressed deeply by the unusual blue colour and pretty clean streams of water on the white limestone. Mr.T took out his camera and shot a bunch of photos. I watched the Snow Mountains for a while, then put my hands into the lake water. Wow! It’s shocking colder than I ever thought. Around the lakes, grew luxuriant plants and forest of fir & spruce trees. On the sides of small paths, numerous purple wild flowers were blooming in the grass. How quiet, fresh and beautiful the valley was at the foot of Jade-dragon Snow Mountain!
Blue Moon Valley is included in many tourism routes on the way to the Spruce Meadow or the Yak Meadow. Lying below the main peak of Jade-dragon Snow Mountain, the Spruce Meadow is kind of popular site, a huge grassland surrounded by ancient spruce forest. According to Naxi mythology and legends, it’s considered as the entrance to their heaven: the 3rd kingdom of Jade Dragon, a dreamland for the suicide lovers in the past. Well, just thinking of those young people who hung themselves on the spruce trees to “save” their love, I couldn’t deny my repugnance for such a cruel love-killing in this “holy” land, and I will never die for anything, amen.

001 Gan Haii(Dried Sea,3100meters above sea lelel)

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

002 Now is a huge grassland, farm of yaks

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

003 Wow, so green valley

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

005 Impressive blue as a beautiful jade

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

013 Wild flowers blooming around the lakes

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

014 Carrying lazy tourists,an electrical car passed on the muddy road.

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

016 Nice waterful above Yuye Lake

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

017 The yaks for tourist riding photo(50rmb each time)

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

018 Fancy minority costumes were provided for rent, too

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

019 Encouraged by Mr.T,Ms Yalan went on the yak back, haha

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

020 White-water Terrace, the holy land of Dongba religion

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

021 The quiet beautiful valley

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

The full-view of Blue Moon Valley

Blue Moon Valley Lijiang Photography Romanticism  藍月谷 麗江 浪漫主義 風光攝影 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

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the Next:The Magnificent Glacier on Jade-dragon Snow Mountain

the Previous:Ancient Tea-horse Road and Lashi Lake,the Fresh Wetland

82 thoughts on this Post

    1. 只是恰好看到千年童子罢了(让岚女咬一口,呜哇。。 :evil

  1. 看到牦牛,觉得有段时间没有好好吃顿牛肉了;真的很美,挣钱想去。 :-*

              1. 哼哼,不知道云南那块土地有没有给我留下一片草原等我去牧马放羊。 :O)

  2. 嗯⋯⋯坐耗牛也不便宜的說(窮人家的孩紙 😀 ,不過那湖水,似乎掉下去就麻煩了

            1. 束河古镇的河水也有部分冰雪水,所以不时看到西瓜浸在小河里,冰镇之用 :))

          1. 就当冬泳,锻炼体魄。

            哈,然后可以达到岚女想要的六块腹肌 😀

  3. 风景确实非同一般,女人们穿着衣服好奇特的,改天也想去玩玩,呼吸一下最干净的空气

  4. 打码是什么水平,魔女一去我那留言我就知道有更新了。。

  5. 白水台和瀑布不错 😡
    最后一张亮了,果断怀疑岚女的拍照技术水平。 =))
    18里面的美铝被马赛克了。。。。。。 :((

        1. :)) 叔是故意的。此等飞上飞下拍的小事,岂敢让魔女去干~~ 😡

  6. 以后出去玩可以来姐姐这里翻攻略啦~
    白水台和土耳其的棉花堡好像啊 也是在网上看到过呢~
    这湖水奶蓝奶蓝的 好漂亮呢~

    打算今年去一次呢,不知道十月份的时候适合不适合 不然就明年喽~
    我也要看这样奶蓝色的湖和雪山~~ :)) :)) :))

    1. 十月份山里会比较冷,野花也没有啦。。四、五、六月都不错 O:-)

      1. 也是哦,那明年好了~
        灰常喜欢这样的山山水水 ~ 游乐场什么的 太不适合我啦 :))

          1. 游乐场? 去过欢乐谷两次,一直排队排队,玩什么都排队 [-( [-(

            1. 恩,排一个队要一两个小时,真心累。世界之窗也不好玩,还世界的缩影呢,第二次都没兴趣了都。
              没事做,玩起小不点呀 😀

    1. 像飞飞这般户外运动人士,可以抓上千户去险峻的虎跳峡 😀

      1. 我要在祖国各地留下我的气味!!!!(啊列?好像有点不对头…

  7. 与其年轻轻在树上吊死,真不如双双远走他乡,随着岁月的流逝,还可能获得他人的原谅,毕竟我们都在共同的一片蓝天下,和长辈还呼吸着同样的空气。

    1. 传统观念罢了 ;;) 当一种思想成为了信仰,或许旁人看来很荒谬,人们却乐此不疲

  8. 那个大叔打马赛克就不说了,上面那张妹子的不该打马赛克啊!! :evil

  9. 好漂亮的景色。。。还有这么蓝的湖水。。简直跟仙境一般。。

  10. 看着天高云淡、山清水秀,内心也没那么燥热了。

    1. 大部分地区进入了”烧烤” 模式啊,快成肉干了。。。 @-)

    1. 哥哥你们去了云杉坪么。。 O:-)
      丽江景点很多,全看完大概要两周呢,我们也只是随便逛了逛 🙂

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