Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Considering Mr.T’s job priority and unreasonable cost of living in SH, finally we decided to spend most of our time in Taipei for a better quality of life and outdoor activities, ole.

Spring is my favourite, the best season of flowers. Now, it’s the end of April. Well, we still can go to the festival of Callalilies near Bamboo Lake, Yangming Mountains which locate in North Taiwan, well-known for beautiful cherry blossoms, volcanic scenes and amazing hot springs. Originally called as Grass Mountain, it was renamed as Yangming Mountains in 1950 to memorize Mr.Wang Yangming, a famous scholar of Ming Dynasty, referring to Datun Mountain, Qixing Mountain (the highest, 1120 meters above sea level), Shamao Mountain, Xiao Guanyin Mountain in general. Formed by lava extrusions, Bamboo lake now turns into a basin of flower fields, suitable to grow callalilies. During March and April, it’s the best time to watch the pretty blossoms of callalily. Surrounded by the misty mountain, Mr.T and I breathed the fresh, clear air and walked along the flower path with great leisure.


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

005 Farmer in the field

Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

006 Busy tourists

Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

008 Let me shoot some pretty flowers

Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

011 Ok, time to pick callalilies (10 for 100NT)

Flowers Taiei Yangming Mountain Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

012 My flower “harvest”,haha

Flowers Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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the Next:Marvelous Temple of the Great Master Qingshui, Sanxia

the Previous:Brilliant Flowers in the Spring Garden (Photos)

66 thoughts on this Post

  1. 我也是很想去台湾的,不知能否偶遇tw妹纸 =))

    1. :)) 花田里有许多年轻MM来摘花的,可以偶遇很多。。
      这海芋也叫马蹄莲,文中写了嘛。。吾幼时屋旁倒是种了许多韭莲 😀

    1. 也叫马蹄莲 😀 通常花市上卖的是没有叶子的,还是花田里比较漂亮

  2. 😀 这种花儿好清新,我喜欢,岚姐又上台北了,不错,耍的好安逸,羡慕也。 O:-)

    1. 朋友拿了一袋来,吾吃了一根,只觉有些粘牙 ;;) 不觉得有多好吃啊

  3. 偶然路过。看到左边那张照片不觉名利。姐你真够哥特的,够北欧范儿。让我想起曾经Tarja还在时的Nightwish。

  4. 呆灣~好吃的!!! 😀

  5. 😀 原来这就是马蹄莲呀, 倒过来看还真是像马蹄 :-O

    1. 我也是第一次见啊,以前都是在花市看到的,一捆捆….. 😀

    1. 台北干净便利,近郊满是青翠山峦,好贴近自然的。。 O:-)

    1. 都写了马蹄莲了。。 B-) 乃好去百科一下了
      狼毒花又叫火柴花,多见于我国东北、青藏高原和俄罗斯西伯利亚。。 😉

      1. 我也是查了百科了的,都没提到马蹄莲……

        海芋花(学名:Alocasia macrorrhizos)是天南星科海芋属的植物,台湾称姑婆芋,原产南美洲,是一种常见的观赏植物,有多个俗称,如,痕芋头、狼毒花、野芋头、山芋头、大根芋、大虫芋、天芋、天蒙。


          1. 😛 还真是这样……看起来根本不是一回事嘛 百科误了我啊

    1. 是啊,饮用水质也是很好的 😀 只是空气潮湿度很高,得防潮防霉

  6. 竹子湖地名,不该满山偏野的竹子麽。老邓对花花草草啥的,经常叫不出名号。

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