Faun, the Mysterious German Pagan Folk Band(MV)


Long time no music post; here I am to introduce some of my favorite medieval folk music.

According to Roman Mythology, Faun is a rustic forest god (or goddess), half human – half goat, similar to the Greek god, Pan who is also well-known for his great music talent. His magical music of reed flute intoxicates all Gre……

Fantastic Dance of Devil–Black Metal, Nachtblut


Long time no post of music. It’s time to release my evil darkness, hahaha.
Nachtblut, a black metal band from Germany, is famous for their fantastic agitated tunes. If you ignore the terrible “inhuman” snarling in the songs, the music really sounds like a black symphony, but with the breath of devil. The band was founded in 2005, and issued 3 albums. The song, Antic, is the most popular among metal music fans, while its MV looks very dark and horrible, not suitable for those weak-hearted people, except Mr. Dengken….

Beautiful Celtic Folk – Black Is the Colour (4 Versions)


Black Is the Colour (of My True Love’s Hair) is one of my favourite Celtic folk songs. With simple lyrics and beautiful melody, it brings in a fresh mind and scent of love. Since 1916, it has been played by various instruments and sang by different artists. Just search recorded one, you can find more than 70 versions.
About the song’s origin, there’re two opinions. One considers it as an American folk because the song was first known in the Appalachian Mountains regions of US in 1915, and the other regards it as a Scottish folk for ….

Nightwish – Scaretale

(简体) 著名的芬兰力量交响金属Nightwish(中译名:夜愿),在众多歌迷的翘首企盼下,时隔四年终于于2011年11月底发行第七张专辑Imaginaerum(芬兰、日本地区首发),也是原主唱歌剧女高音Tarja与乐队不合离队后、由年轻的犀利女主音Anette演唱的第二张专辑。

Xandria – Ravenheart( MV)

(简体) 作为德国哥特交响金属乐队的Xandria(中译:仙朵拉),最受欢迎、传唱最广泛的歌曲当属Eversleeping(永恒沉睡),当然Ravenheart也是经典之一,前者感情细腻、旋律优美抒情,后者则摇滚金属气息强烈,都是本妖很喜欢的曲子,两支MV也拍得很唯美,特发来供各位欣赏之,趁机妖魔化之,哈哈哈……
Xandria于1997年成立于德国,由Marco Heubaum(吉他兼键盘)创建,主要成员有女主唱Lisa Schaphaus,吉他手Philip Restemeier及鼓手Gerit Lamm Schlagzeug。乐队凭借……