The German band Deine Lakaien (which translates to “Your Lackeys”) is a famous Dark Wave band throughout the world, mixed with the elements of pop-music and avant-garde.
In 1985, the experimental musician Ernst Horn advertised in a newspaper looking for a Vocalist who enjoyed experimenting. A young man Alexander Veljanov interested in Dark Wave music responded to it and finally met him in Munich. At the beginning, it seemed a little awkward when two quite different men stood face to face with 10 years of generation gap. The ice melt quickly as they started talking about music, their interests in common. Then Deine Lakaien came out within the same year. Since 1985, the two partners have co-operated almost 30 years and make Deine Lakaien gain the world fame as a unique Dark Wave band. As gloomy as other gothic groups, Deine Lakaien integrated electronic, rock & avant-garde parts with classic music, which sound elegant as well as mysterious. Meanwhile, the charming deep voice of Alexander Veljanov brings the “modern” experimental music back to the dark melancholic atmosphere of Gothic, so sad yet beautiful.
P.S. The Dracula hairstyle of Alexander is quite impressive, haha.
Deine Lakaien – Wunderbar (Live)
Deine Lakaien – One Night( MV)
Love me to the End is one of their classic songs, which could be found on Youtube (or for mainland Chinese readers), Over.
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Dracula的影片貌似很多,哪一部啊。。 🙂 最新的一部Darcula Untold十月上映
从1931年算起,有关Darcula的影片不下30部 😀 虽然许多我没看过
个人喜欢比较古典的, 如Dracula (1992) O:-) Van Helsing的风格也不错,不像《刀锋战士》《黑夜传说》那么现代高科技 。。
well,叔飘来又飘走。这个晚上听更有感觉。 :evil
不送哈,叔自个儿慢慢爬回去。。 B-)
飘来~~叔不悲伤,叔只是孤独。 =))
有什么好笑的,笑成这样。。 😛
Gothic Music本来就是有关孤独、悲伤、死亡与永恒的咏叹。。 B-)
在一个深夜里,我掉坑了 :((
谁挖的坑啊,这么缺德,也不提个醒。。 ;;)
😀 介个发型,我刚想说是不是有点复古范,一看岚姐原来特意写着德古拉发型,哈哈
是啊, 还挺难梳。。不靠发胶我根本梳不出来 😀
其实我也不确定,因为Xiami只能在国内用。。 ;;)
看来GFW真的要打造非常有限的局域网了。。。 B-)
你不是早睡晚起忙造人,哪里来的时间闷坐。。。 =))
嗯。。。好可怜。。。 ;;) ;;)
只有一图啊,飞飞。。发了俩视频。。。 ;;)
原来这么深沉厚重的声音不一定是老男人啊 =))
嘛, 就像许多电台主持,音质和本尊外形都不符。。。 :))