Art Yalan雅嵐文藝

Finally, here comes the season of autumn…~~~~
However, the weather doesn’t change much in this tropical island, hot with high humidity as usually, except few cool days after several showers of rain brought by the typhoon. Thinking of the past years of life here, I have been always complaining about the unbearable humid weather which damages everything in the house and my poor skin. It’s probably the time to move to somewhere else for a better living condition…

And, voila, today is Chinese Moon Festival. As a tradition in Taiwan, people will make a BBQ party to celebrate it, and offer kind of hard-digesting mooncakes of course. Well, hope everyone has fun in the family party, and good luck to see the shining beautiful full moon tonight….


Autumn Sleeping Beauty Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

002 Details

Autumn Sleeping Beauty Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

The following Disney princesses are drawn by my lovely daughter ,6 yrs old

003 Beauty~~

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

004 ……and the Beast

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

005 Cinderella

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

006 Sleeping Beauty

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

007 Snow White

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

008 Tangled

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

009 The Little Mermaid

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

010 (II)

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

011 Aladdin

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

012 (II)

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

013 Pocahontas

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

014 Brave

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

015 Frozen

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

016 (II)

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

017 (III)

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

018 My favourite, the Little Mermaid

Kid’s drawing Fairy-tale Disney Princess Watercolour Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺

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the Previous:The Sea Fairy & Floating Market in Mekong River (Watercolour)

43 thoughts on this Post

    1. 节日快乐~~~(✿◠‿◠)对啊,从上周末就开烤了,邻居正在后院拨弄炭火准备第二波烤肉呢

    1. (一饮而尽)花不语,水空流,年年江月照西楼~~~Happy Moon Festival(゜▽゜*)♪

  1. 岚姐中秋快乐!记得2020年您有一篇日记也是有提醒“多图慎入”,我看到后毫不犹豫的点了进去。。。这次又“多图慎入”,我犹豫了很久。。。

      1. 感叹古人的智慧,前几天月亮还是很“缺”的,到了农历十五真的就变得很圆了。如果每个月按新历来算,时间是完全不一样的,但按农历来算 真的很准。

          1. 哈哈,那小弟就受了这封号,谢主隆恩。

            岚姐,我近来博客更新很频繁,你可能没有注意到我博客的一个分类: 碎碎念。哈哈,我没有放在博客首页。

  2. 中秋是烤肉呀,这样子的氛围也很羡慕了。我这边就是摆席,亲朋好友一起吃一顿大餐,聊聊天如此。

    1. 一般就屋前院后烤,天气好就可去河边烤肉、赏月~~个人倒是很喜欢炭火烤肉的香气(^∀^●)

  3. 这个睡美人带着颈环和臂环,有点时尚啊哈哈哈,朋克睡美人咩?小女宝的画受某人影响很大,也有一股子暗黑风~~~

  4. 博客圈真小,我从屠城博客跳过来的。哈哈,你女儿画的真棒。六岁的小朋友的想象力真强。

    1. 哈哈,小女画最多的就是冰雪奇缘、美女和野兽,还有掉水晶鞋的姑娘(^∀^●)

    1. 刚开始画时,也挺好笑, 练习久了,还不错哈~~(✿◠‿◠)

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