Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

The Dongba Culture of Naxi people appeared over 1000 years ago, during Tang & Song dynasties of Central China. Dongba means the wise man, actually the priest who has mastery of religious performance (singing & dancing), the scriptures, books, history and skills of paintings. They wrote the famous Dongba Scripture and other classics by their mysterious picturesque words that have been using till now by Naxi people after centuries. Kind of magic, isn’t it? Therefore, the Dongba letters are called “the only alive hieroglyphics in the world”, as well as those ancient books have been listed on World Memorial Heritages.

There’re about 1400 words of Dongba Hieroglyphics in common usage, which provide a vivid description of the world in the human eyes. It’s quite easy to guess the meanings. Usually, 5 colours can be used in the writing, red, yellow, green, blue and dark, which creates a romantic feeling as the art of Chinese calligraphy, equivalent to the symbol of 5 elements in Dongba culture, wood, fire, earth, gold, and water. In Lijiang souvenir shops, Dongba Hieroglyphics are very popular, printed as paintings, clothes design, and pretty shawl patterns. Walking along the street, I was surprised to see so many DIY T-shirt shops there. The artists wrote Dongba Hieroglyphics on it or drew cute cartoon portraits of tourists. When we passed by one shop, a darker-skinned guy was making Dongba Hieroglyphics on T-shirts by his brushes. Mr.T watched his drawing with great interest for a while, then muttered besides me, “Honey, if I ask him to write me SEX on a T-shirt, do you think he will draw?”
“Gosh!” I was a little embarrassed, “well, I don’t think so.”
We looked around and felt kind of shy to ask the artist in the alley full of tourists. Finally Mr.T and I left with a slight disappointment, haha.

001 Dongba Hieroglyph Dictionary of Mr.T

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

002 Look carefully. You will find something special,haha

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003 The old city in the dawn

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Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

006 The small Stone-bridge

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Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

009 a Naxi woman,cleaning worker around the Big Stone-bridge

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Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

012 The alley heads to the center,Square Market

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

013 A bird-view from the bar of Guanjing Platform(I)

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014 (II)

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015 (III)

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

016 A pack of girls with pretty hats
(Move on, you single young guys who’re seeking 1-night-stand!)

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

017 Mishi Alley, nice view along many restaurants

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

018 Mr.T’s favorite,Prague Cafe(haha)

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

019 Naxi cheese sandwich, with French fries and salad
(It tastes great,in big portion and quite clean. The Spaghetti Bolognese is very nice, too)

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

020 You may just order one drink or tea, relax with its free Wifi

Lijiang old city Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

— Over —

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48 thoughts on this Post

  1. 今天起个大早,学几个象形文字就牛了;艳遇就不需要了,想吃薯条。。

      1. :)) 岚女故意抓拍的么,好经典的一张啊!
        这就是形象文字咯 :O)

  2. 这些没进化好的字啊~看着还挺有意思的。
    那个猥琐的单词看起来太2了。 :O)

  3. 不会吃坏肚子。。。好心酸的注释 :-O
    我也是肠胃不好。尤其吃凉的 就怕不干净

    1. 就是,住宿、饮食最怕不卫生了。。。 ;;)
      喝了那几百年的古井水都没挂,几杯啤酒居然上吐下泻的 X( 什么玩意儿

      1. 这家咖啡馆看起来很nice~~~
        大头目辛苦了~~~ :O)

      2. 看到三明治好餓!!! :((
        說起來,吾輩喝啤酒就特別容易掛掉 =))

        1. 酒吧的鲜酿啤酒其实最不卫生,管道里霉菌较多,最好喝瓶装的 🙂

  4. 看照片岚姐起的好早啊~

    1. 大头目5点钟出去溜达拍的,我还在睡觉。。 😀
      头图,男左女右,“和谐一家人” 之意。。。“蓝精灵” =)) 你和大头目感觉一样

  5. 最近忙着看小说呢,话说魔女没第一时间通知啊。哈哈。古镇就是用来放火的

    1. 又贵又假,喝死人不偿命。。 X(
      本来那晚打算去五一街精致的小酒吧,鬼使神差地就跑酒吧街去了 :((

    1. 那两页是人文的 O:-) 其他还有宗教,建筑,天文地理,鸟兽植物等

  6. 建筑很美,同时很佩服博主的审美,能抓住美的角度。以前也看过别人的游记,那个图拍得。。

    1. 怎么可能 :evil 。。我家里都是40度的烈酒,丫的卖劣酒坑人

  7. 这外面旅行最怕吃的不干净拉肚子了,太特么容易尴尬了,其它的还可以将就下


    1. 还想着那么大一店应该没什么劣货,事实证明,一群奸商 B-)

    1. 主干道上人太多了,远一些的小巷子还行。。 ;;) 清静么,还不如去束河古镇

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