Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

A night of December so dark and cold
I walked a path ages old
The moon amongst the clouds revealed
lightening valleys, forest and field

Embraced by silence I wandered the moor
an endless landscape by my side
When in the mist I saw a light
dancing through the hazy night

I stood and watched the play in awe
was deeply touched by what I saw
I told my friends what I did see
and what they told did tremble me!

It’s said the ghost of a young, fair maid
is cursed to dwell beneath the shade
of the olden oak she died below
O that was many moons ago!

– – Many Moons Ago by Empyrium


Dark Gothic Art Romanticism Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Dark Gothic Art Romanticism Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Dark Gothic Art Romanticism Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Dark Gothic Art Romanticism Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Dark Gothic Art Romanticism Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Dark Gothic Art Romanticism Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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46 thoughts on this Post

    1. 雾气太浓,日落时走着走着心里就升起一种未知的恐惧感。。 :evil

        1. Comment Reply Notification,也可使用代码,教程很多,你搜搜看 ;;)

        1. 四大魔将勋章+年度最佳评论 :O) 最佳评论王冠现在Yang兄弟头上

  1. 感觉这些地方好阴森额,如果是我在那里的话,还感觉有点吓人

  2. 岚姐:”如果你是个男生,多年以后,年少时喜欢的女生突然变得很漂亮,却不是你心中那熟悉的模样,尽管你已不能清晰的回忆起那时的样子,只是那感觉有些陌生”;你会是怎样的心情? [-(

    1. 真心的人,当然希望对方越来越好、越来越幸福;自私的人,当然失落、嫉妒、得不到就要毁了人家,无论精神还是物质上。。你看着办 😉

      1. 我懂了,他确实对她太自私了 :(( ;谢谢您,岚姐;我开始崇拜您了。 :blush

    1. 海拔较高的山区,有些地方很有北欧风情 😀 尤其白雪皑皑的时候

    1. 以悠闲的心境来看固然不错,行驶在浓雾弥漫的山路上可真够呛 ;;)

    1. 台风过后的这段时间,每天下午都有阵雨,湿热之极。。 @-)

    1. Sleepy Hollow,德普叔主演的电影,也是我最早看的哥特片之一啊 😀

  3. 超喜欢这种迷雾的感觉,印象最深的是10月去婺源,早上酒店出来雾气弥漫,瞬间觉得自个都沾了点仙气儿

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