Art Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

Voila, another year just passed by….
For the birthday of our lovely princess, Mr. T got a fancy idea to make a ginger bread house .
Even though it was the first trial, the house looked pretty good.
Well, even better when we started to eat its roof and wall…..

Wish all of you a happy & healthy new year, my dear friends!!

001 The candies look very tempting.

Taipei Life Romanticis Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

002 OK, it’s done.

Taipei Life Romanticism 臺北生活 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

003 Time to blow the candle!

Taipei Life Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

004 the ginger bread ruin house…

Taipei Life Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

005 the new passion of Adriana: compass

Taipei Life Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Taipei Life Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

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37 thoughts on this Post

    1. 多谢,同乐同乐 (●’◡’●) 。。
      PS. .不知为何,总是打不开你的站,没法拜访,不好意思啊

  1. 哟嚯,大头目的手艺真不赖噢…满满的幸福感。

    1. 2022快乐!!(❤ ω ❤)。。大头目挺喜欢做好吃的,好在咱不是易肥的体质,哈哈

    1. 拆开来有点可惜,不过很好吃,一天吃一面墙或屋顶什么的,哈哈ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

    1. 同乐哈o(〃^▽^〃)o。。不过,欧美有卖烤好的姜饼屋,自己回家组装一下就行了

    1. 是哦,把房子用糖霜粘起来挺费时,装饰屋顶时小孩在旁边抢糖果吃,也很头疼哈( ̄┰ ̄*)

  2. 这年也过了元宵也过了…该出来活动活动了。

    1. 从去年12月到现在一直下雨下雨……晴朗的日子屈指可数啊,外出看花等到3月吧( ̄┰ ̄*)

  3. 迟到的新年祝福,啊啊,我认识的女性朋友孩子都上了幼儿园,我也莫名其妙脱了单,哈哈。

    1. 噢, 好久不见,小苗!恭喜脱单(✿◠‿◠)从此以后,大家都过上了幸福快乐的生活

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