After one week in the sweet home of Annie in countryside, Mr.T and I finally went to Marseille Saint-Charles railway station to take TGV for Paris, ole.

Marseille Saint-Charles was built on the top of a small hill, well-known for its marvelous monumental set of stairs. Originally, the land belonged to the Saint Charles Cemetery. The station opened in January 8, 1848 for the PLM line. Till now, it has a long history over 170 years. Before the popularity of air transportation, it was a transit important point to Africa and the Middle-East.
With the development of modern technology and the opening of the TVG line, nowadays Marseille Saint-Charles station is not only the important transport hub in the Provence area, but also a quick passage for global tourists to South France and Paris: 3 hours to Paris, and 3.5 hours to Charles De Gaulle Airport by TVG. Needless to say, I enjoyed the comfortable seat in 1st class TVG coach, as well as the charming landscapes outside the window that kept my camera very busy during the trip, haha.


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Marseille Saint-Charles station Provence Photography Views Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Landscapes outside the Window


Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

013 Oh oh, it’s raining

Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

014 Paris in the Rain

Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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104 thoughts on this Post

  1. 期待下篇~~ :O)
    也是很多白色建筑 也是石头的吧。
    希望下辈子投胎到欧洲国家吧 :)) :))

    1. 不全是哦。。 O:-)

    1. 我们去的时候天气还可以,下小雨也不冷,勉强算得上浪漫 O:-)

  2. 总是很喜欢那种清澈的天空,不知为什么,总感觉看到了那样的天空,心情莫名的愉悦,感觉自己可以在那天空里展翅翱翔一样。

  3. 为啥别人那里的地面那么干净?

      1. 我是说像,岚MM对我说的理解是对的,我说的就是别人那里的环境好呀!

      1. 也是,不过还好,国外的城市的都比较喜欢,特别是一些建筑的风格,国内没得比

  4. 巴黎是我向往的地方,又浪又漫 🙂 抱歉刚才忘了写评语了,补上!

  5. 浪漫之都 让全天下有情人都向往的地方
    图片 你懂的 分享 你会的

  6. 为什么有的显示有的不显示 我正常评论回复怎么都不显示
    抗议的就会显示 是不是被你后台过滤掉放进垃圾评论了
    丢!!!!!!!! 😛

    1. 有关键字过滤的咯,小哥。不过,我会把你救出来的哦 O:-)

      1. 莫非我说了不该说的话 貌似没啥敏感字眼哟 魔女士
        你这个 目测 不科学 B-)

        1. 我可是坐在高速列车里的啊,你想要我跳下去自杀不成 😉

  7. 博主这又要去国外吗?把我也带上吧,很想去国外见识一下。

  8. 估计俺这辈子都没机会去法国了,更别提巴黎了! :(( :((

  9. 我想问一下…

  10. 火车站修得不错 不知道能不能多卖几个灯过去
    妖女的下一篇文章 —–《巴黎,我来了》,也绝对有凡尔赛宫的介绍。

  11. Your photos are so beautiful. I want to go to Paris one day in the future, because the romantic France is the love paradise. Everybody fall in love has his own Paris in his heart. Good luck to you. By the way you are so beautiful just like your photo.

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