Art Yalan雅岚文艺博客

Finally, the terrible heat decreases at the end of September in Taipei.
We start to feel the cool wind during the early morning or the night time. When the breeze comes through the fig trees from the terrace, wow, it is so fresh and pleasant! Oh, autumn, eventually arrives in this sub-tropical island…

Mr. T and I took a good rest at home for weekend. To make some self-entertainment, I practiced my acoustic guitar just as a beginner, playing some simple chords and melodies. Well, practice makes perfect, we shall see…



Taipei Life Art Gothic Girl Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Life Art Music Guitar Gothic Girl Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

003 My favourite gothic tone

Taipei Life Art Music Guitar Gothic Girl Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

004 Mr.T’s favourite sepia tone

Taipei Life Art Music Guitar Gothic Girl Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

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52 thoughts on this Post

        1. 哈哈…嘛,好歹也学一首《生日快乐》,给家人朋友生日时助助兴

  1. 我们这几天还收到高温预告,说是秋老虎又来了,非常热。没想到岚姐除了画画一流之外,连吉他也会弹,只能佩服了

    1. 要一直热到十月下旬哩 +_+ 最近才玩的吉他,古筝算是勉勉强强,哈哈

  2. 前几天还32度左右,突然一下到21真不习惯,又会画画,又会音乐,还能写作,一个6已经不能表达了,666

    1. 如今提高颜值可以靠泣鬼神的化妆术,身材不好嘛,就比较棘手了>_<

        1. 爱美之心人皆有之,骗照就没意思了,外表色相也不过过眼烟云

    1. 金属摇滚风^_^一言不合时,振腕一挥,对方躲避不及就遭殃了,哈哈哈

  3. 哈哈,评论的文本域是可以随意拖动大小的,可通过设置resize属性为none来限制拖动。

      1. 就我这几脚猫的水准,Live暂时就算了….>_>

  4. 厦门还是燥热。

    1. 早晚稍凉而已,白天仍然34、5度…>_<

  5. 我也有一把吉他,但是一点也不会……只能尴尬的弹弹生日快乐的旋律。岚姐很厉害!

    1. 当然是,传说中的魔君–Mr. 大头目\^_^/….不过有时是自拍咯

    1. 同乐^_^…才进十月,台北又飚到37度,这气候真是越来越极端了

    1. 南方十月,又飚回夏天30几度,晚上稍降温一些,也是烦躁>_<

  6. 喜欢最后的暖色调,嘿嘿~~会弹吉他是件很酷的事,我有把尤克里里,但还没学会。

    1. 我是好久没碰乐器了,忙啊~~~貌似许多人都有尤克里里,但大都没花时间弹琴,哈哈

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