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Well, time passes by and a new year is coming …

I was just going to write that this year seemed like others, some kind of wasted time, nothing important. However, I realized that I was totally wrong, because I did achieve something: updating my blog EVERY SEASON as planned…
Just joking. When you have a little child to take care at home, it has always been exhausting and worn-out. Anyway, the real achievement for me this year was to pass French language exam with DELF B1 certificate, hooray!….
Honestly, it had been complicated and tough for me to prepare this exam in a very short time. I had to finish learning 3 French books in 3 months, which usually took others 2 and half year to study. Then I spent 1 month to practice French with Mr.T, who has been tremendously helpful…

So, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr.T, mon cheri , my real supporter in every way. Also, I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year and may peace & freedom with you, always…

002 DIY Xmas cards

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003 The nice gift from a French friend

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004 and some colourful balls, too……

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005 Let’s be in the holiday mood

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006 Chinese calligraphy class

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Taiwan Life Kid Romanticism 臺北生活 兒童 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

008 Lighted cottage, very pretty

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009 If winter comes, can spring be far behind……

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010 If spring isn’t far behind, then summer shall be jolly to come……

Taiwan Life Kid Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

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the Next:A Picnic Day with the Cherry Blossoms(Photos)

the Previous: Pretty Lotus & Happy Moon Festival (Photos)

39 thoughts on this Post

  1. 没有“碌碌无为”,只是在“默默无闻”罢了……

    1. 世上无难事,只怕有心人嘛!勤学苦练,总有一番收获,嘿嘿(●’◡’●)新年快乐,小周

  2. 哇噻,法语中级,赞赞赞赞。。。。(连击)!!!祝贺哦!

    1. 多谢Lvtu兄,哈o(^▽^)o……今年过节早,顺便连春节的份也一起更了,哈哈哈

  3. 说实话,我特别佩服大学毕业好几年还能用功去学习和考证的人,我毕业这么多年,看看杂书还行,看专业的书就看不进去了。疫情这几年,感觉一直都是碌碌无为,希望2023疫情早日过去。

    1. 只要设个目标,破釜沉舟,没动力也得拼啊(✿◠‿◠)。。希望2023大家都能恢复正常生活

  4. 小魔女是越来越乖了


    1. 大部分时间还算是乖乖的小女孩。。(✿◠‿◠)证书什么的,需要时方恨少,哈哈

    1. 公子这是怎么了,如此感性。。凡事都有利弊,决定了就全力以赴呗o(〃^▽^〃)o

  5. 三个月就过了考试要是还说碌碌无为的让别人咋办。想想以前大学学日语也是整整一年后才过了 2 级的虽然是翘着二堂腿考试轻松过哈哈。

    1. 是啊,还是因为基础打得比较扎实,才拼过来了。。节日快乐哈,小哥(●’◡’●)

      1. 节日快乐啊哈。刚跟他们聊天才发现今天是平安夜,我一点都没发现,微博啊新闻啊都没人发过,看来大家都不太平安。出来商场也没人,大家都在家平安了啊哈。

    1. 明明写了“夏天也……”,乃怎么get不到。不过,即使是冬天,天气好的话,TW的海边还是可以玩水的,尤其是南部海岸,超热的

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