Art Yalan雅嵐文藝

Well, as you can see, I am back to life, again …….

This mid-autumn, I had to return home to renew my passport which already expired for long time because of 3 years’ lock-down in China for Covid-19. My mom complained as usually that HOME appeared in my mind only when a new PASSPORT was needed, which is very true and I could not “defend” myself……Whatever, after the complicated process for returning to China, I didn’t get too much trouble when passing the immigrations in the airports. However, the 3 flights that I took brought me a bad luck: I was striken by certain variant of Covid and sick for 1 week at home, feeling like sleeping inside a burning stove, n losing the sense of smell for several days. That’s very weird, indeed. Anyway, a month’s rest at my mom’s house without a kid, that’s a real paradise…. My sister also returned to pay a family visit. We did catch some good times back after dozens of years. Finally, we succeeded to marry my young brother with his girlfriend in November, hooray!
As we always say, the happy times pass by too fast. Again, I realized how much love & care that a true family could bring and cure a broken heart. We have to cherish what we have, not what we desire (for the fame, the power, etc.)
At the end, wish you all a happy 2024, my dear friends!


Travel Life Landscape Romanticism  Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Travel Life Landscape Romanticism  Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Travel Life Landscape Romanticism  Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

004 The quiet “old” town

Travel Life Landscape Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Travel Life Landscape Romanticism  Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

006 My brother in Thai style

Travel Life Landscape Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

007 The Golden Pagoda on the hill

Travel Life Landscape Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

008 The Silver Pagoda

Travel Life Landscape Romanticism  Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

009 Mr.T said he is expecting to see this painting made by hand (Well, me, too. I’d like to …. probably next year….

Travel Life Landscape Romanticism  Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

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54 thoughts on this Post

    1. 以前某头目跟咱回娘家时,也觉得完全是泰国风情,还特意搞了套服装留念(^∀^●)ノ

    1. 相似的文化和风俗嘛,节日的时候尤其好玩,不过咱都十多年没过上泼水节咯♪(´▽`)

    1. 生活嘛,就是如此……繁琐平淡,每年给自己定个目标,就不会觉得“碌碌无为”了(^∀^●)

    1. 对喔,传统建筑就是那样。。不过,真正的“古”迹不多了,基本都是观光性质的说( ̄▽ ̄)”

  1. 不是网图那就是泰国的美女?แปลภาษา ไม่ใช่เน็ตกราฟิก คือนางงามเมืองไทย?

    1. สวัสดี ยินดีต้อนรับสู่บ้านเกิดของฉัน….都写了云南啦(* ̄3 ̄)╭

  2. 云南真的是太宜居了,想当初刚毕业想着去云南旅游结果一去就待了近3年。真的特别喜欢那里的蓝天白云,吉他手鼓,还有来自各地有故事的小青年们。哈哈。

    1. 风景优美的慢生活,民风淳朴,尤其现在乡村家家小别墅,别提多美了,哈(^∀^●)ノ

  3. 嘿嘿,岚姐换站标ico了。

    1. 乃的青葱岁月,与一些中缅边境的回忆。。。哈\( ̄︶ ̄*\))又换头了么

  4. 云南,一个来了就忘不了的地方,有很多值得深度游的国度,最爱版纳的傣族园,建水的豆腐,弥勒的宁静,丽江的文艺,大理的风,当然,台湾也很好(曾经去过的象鼻岩垮塌了,可惜)

  5. 去了好几次云南说真的还真没见过这种风格的建筑……老家在云南也太幸福了,太适合休闲呆一个月了。

    1. 要一直跑到中缅边境啊西双版纳什么的,才是如此的东南亚风情嘛(✿◠‿◠)

    1. 在TW有些久了,有孩子更是各种不方便,过几年说不准就走咯。。Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

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