Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Along the 66-kilometer-long coast in Northeast Taiwan, you can enjoy the pretty charming scenery of rocks, cliffs and valleys while driving on the edge of the green mountains. It’s said to be as beautiful as the world-famous coast of Northern Ireland. Considered as the pearl of these magical scenes, Nanya has been well-known for its giant “ice cream”, the favourite of those photographers.

On the way back from Bitou fisherman village, I saw a sign of Nanyan Rocks beside of the mountain road. So dragging Mr.T with me, I walked down to the seaside through the broomy grasses to check it out. Eroded by the wind & sea waves, most of rocks have been carved vertically in needle-shape or columns. Among them, also lay the huge rough “bread” . The eye-catching “ice cream” presents a belt-like texture rock interlaced with red brown colours, as a result of the oxidation of iron caused by weathering through thousands of years. How marvelous! What a great artwork of Nature!

After Nanya Rocks, Mr.T and I rushed to the site of Golden Waterfall near the abandoned mine of Taijin in Jinguashi area. The earlier exploitation of copper on the upstream made plenty of ore sands deposite on the stream-bed, so the water flow appeared in attractive golden colour on several undulating terrains. Well, probably without the abundant water, the stream-fall looked rather gentle sweet, neither gorgeous nor golden. Some people said it would turn into golden during the sunset. Ok, so next time, let’s wait till the sundown.

001 Bread?Tofu?or a huge hand?

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

004 Full of skulls, very gothic

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

006 Plenty of column rocks

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

007 The famous Ice-cream Rock in good weather

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

008 Variety of “landforms”

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

009 Oh, a pretty stone with natural chinese ink painting(too heavy to take away)

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

011 Mirror of Water

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

012 A small river from the valley of mountain (quite cool water)

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

014 So much hard salty bread for you to feast。。

Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Seaside Nanya Rocks Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

016 The Golden Waterfall near the abandoned mine of Taijin

Taiwan Golden Waterfall Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

017 Very gentle streams。。

Taiwan Golden Waterfall Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

018 What?It will not shine as gold until sunset. Ok, I got it

Taiwan Golden Waterfall Romanticism  Photography Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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54 thoughts on this Post

    1. 天气好的时候海边最漂亮了,晴空湛蓝得令人心碎。。。 :))

    1. 作为魔女,不化浓重可怕的哥特妆已经很对得起观众了…. :evil

  1. 我们是担心岚姐滑到了;又找回我的勋章了 :)) ,但是我还是想做回’漂泊青年’,岚姐姐赏赐个非一般的图标嘛,PLEASE . 😡

    1. 没事儿,滑倒就滑倒了,反正附近没什么人。。 =))
      漂泊勋章么,叫我去哪里找。。。 @-) @-)

      1. ‘漂泊少年’ 的 ‘追梦勋章’ :)) ,YOU ARE OMNIPOTENT AND OMNISCIENT! L-)

  2. 忽然发现一个问题,好像只有大陆这边的景点人多的要命,博主的这么美的景色除了你们就没别人。这在大陆的景点是不可想象的,你总是避不开身旁身后的人来一张单身照。

    1. 哎,不是周末的话游人不多。。。 🙂
      在有限的时间里众人都去挤几个景点的确没什么好玩的 L-)

  3. :O) 这种地方,让我自己一个人玩一整天也不厌啊。仿佛回到了童年的小河边

    1. 如果不是太晒,我也可以呆一整天的。。 😀
      螃蟹么,好像有的,我看见一两只举着钳子飞快地跑进湿漉漉的草丛里。。 :))

        1. 嘛,我也可以躲在礁石后看别人钓鱼,拿块画板涂几笔海天美景,或是带着口琴面朝大海去吹吹。。 😀

  4. 好美的地方,身临其境,安安静静的呆一整天又何妨?
    人真的好少,好羡慕 😀

    1. 等天气凉一些,去海边的礁石上吹吹风会更惬意啊。。。 😀

  5. 本打算也去台湾玩, 不过记得那时候新闻好像说地震还是龙卷风来的…

  6. 每次出去玩无论是爬山还是出游,都是皮鞋,见水就躲,一双皮鞋陪我爬了天台山、青龙峡、石林峡。
    黄金呢?? :((

    1. 你可以脱了鞋去趟水啊。。。 :))
      这瀑布是铜矿,金矿在附近,也停采了,下次去看看。。 🙂

  7. 004 005如果在夜幕降临的傍晚 一个人去看,,会很有效果啊 :-O 吓人

    哥特那篇也是阴天呢 不过倒是很哥特~
    姐姐可以选个白色大裙去金光下再凹个造型 :))

    1. 黄金瀑布也是婚纱外景地呢,不过我可不想穿礼服去凹造型,会被狂拍 =))

  8. 无边海景搭配这样怪石奇岩的景色更是壮丽~
    对那块圆润的藕色美岩很是垂涎 😡 😡

      1. 那么大哦, 还以为手提肩扛那种呢 :))
        魔女可以等亿万年后 它被海水侵蚀成小块鹅卵石了 揣兜里带走 :))

  9. 那些岩石还真像骷髅头~
    要是在大陆,估计等不到没人的时候了吧? :)) :))

  10. 漂亮漂亮真是漂亮,这样的石头我还真没见过真的,岚妹妹给捎几块回来吧 🙂

    1. 我得冒着罚款入狱的风险。。不如你自个来,省事多了 😉

  11. 瀑布角度好斜啊。

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