Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Well, long time no music article. Let me post some live show of my favourite Nightwish, the famous symphonic metal band of Finland.

After Ms. Anette Olzon left because of her family issue, Nightwish finally announced Ms. Floor Jansen to be their new lead vocalist in Oct, 2013. Meanwhile, Mr. Troy Donockley, the uilleann pipes musician who had performed during Nightwish’s Imaginaerum World Tour, also became a full-time member of the band.

Being a Dutch singer and songwriter, Ms.Floor Jansen had been classically trained as Dramatic Soprano, as well as the styles of rock heavy metal such as symphonic, progressive and power metal. With her versatility to sing from opera to pop music, from the beautiful Soprano to death growls, aggressive harsh rock, she could perfectly perform all the songs of Nightwish, with the passion of hot-blooded metal spirit on the stage. That’s really gorgeous, isn’t it?
First known as the lead singer of symphonic metal band After Forever from 1997 to 2009, Ms.Floor Jansen created a Dutch progressive metal band ReVamp after A.F disbanded. In 2012, following the departure of Nightwish’s lead vocalist Anette Olzon, she was invited to be a session member of this band until the end of their Imaginaerum World Tour. Her opera style of singing won a great popularity among Nightwish fans. In 2013, Ms.Floor Jansen was announced as the full-time lead vocalist of Nightwish. Personally, I think she is the perfect match with Nightwish, for her great personality, her beautiful voice, her amazing performance on the stage as a hot metal queen.

Ms.Floor Jansen

Nightwish Floor Jansen Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Nightwish (I)

Nightwish Floor Jansen Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Nightwish Floor Jansen Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Live(with Marco)

Nightwish Floor Jansen Art Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Wacken Open Air 2013

NIGHTWISH – Ghost Love Score ( LIVE)


NIGHTWISH – Last Of The Wilds (Instrumental)( LIVE)

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46 thoughts on this Post

  1. 在这样寂静的夜晚,看着这些照片,突然,很羡慕他们的洒脱,放荡不羁

    1. 追求不同吧。。。年轻时想四处闯荡,成家立业了就想稳定些,尤其女性 ;;)

    1. 作为金属乐迷,有生之年朕一定要亲临Wacken Open Air。。 😀

    1. 七八年前有博友推荐了喜欢的金属乐队,吾大概是那时候开始听的。。 🙂

  2. 哈哈我第一次听NW还是在2003、2004年那会,玩CS,忘了哪个版本里的开场音乐用的是she is my sin,当时就被震撼了,然后为了听这首歌,我反复打开/退出CS。后来才知道,可以从CS安装文件夹里提取到这个MP3……被自己笨哭了都~

    1. 你还在我前。。 :)) 最早喜欢的是Nemo、Walking in the Air,然后是Marco主唱的电影配乐 While your lips are still red,翻来覆去地播放,大头目都想掐死我了 =))

            1. Bless The Child :)) 记得以前火头说要把乃拖出去枪毙5分钟,这厮却消失N久了

              1. 啊?是我失忆了吗,咋都没一点印象了?

    1. 什么近呢,乡村民谣城市民谣还是无病呻吟的某些流行乐。。 😉

  3. 夜愿啊,听了好多年了,不过还真不知道她们换主唱了。他们这种风格的是我能接受的最hard 的摇滚了~~感觉你应该喜欢这类吧?女王范,嘻嘻

    1. 不至于吧,莫非你一直停留在早期Tarja演绎的Nightwish。。 ;;)

    1. 狂放热血的金属风潮,甚合我意啊。。虽然我的长发还甩不出那种大风车 :))

    1. 吾从初中时开始听金属乐,所以。。。对长发的摇滚帅哥一直情有独钟。。 :))

      1. 我初中时候97.98年,也可能是小学时候。见到过同学拿野人的士高荷东等磁带,不晓得这些东东算不算摇滚什么的…… :blush

  4. 对交响的爱仅次于dark wava,其实鹚酱还是喜欢声音很甜的主唱,比如Lunatica
    好想看魔女岚姐姐甩啊甩啊 =))

    1. 吾喜欢又冷又酷又有磁性的声音…. B-)
      等我的长发甩出了大风车,就写一篇《金属青年Live必备:潇洒甩发指南》。。 =))

  5. NIGHTWISH~我曾经的网名啊 哈哈哈 ~~很少乐队是女生主唱的,我还是觉得Tarja唱得好啊。

    1. 交响金属、哥特金属有很多女主唱的。。各有所爱罢了 B-) 个人倒不怎么喜欢尖厉、甜美或是闷哑的女高音。。

  6. 還是比較喜歡看你分享的音樂類文章。老外的外型很有特點,加上特殊的造型,很容易讓人產生聯想,你懂得。 😀

  7. Nightwish是我唯一一听钟情的乐队啊,特别是那个贝斯手唱得While Your Lips Are Still Red,简直要了我的老命啊。

  8. 只知道谭雅走了,不知道换了小三
    更喜欢 within temptation的主唱.

    1. Sharon的声线凄美飘渺,属于“仙音”派,然而WT现在的电子流行走向实在不合我意,乱糟糟的,也许唱片销量上去了,却失去了经典的风格。。 B-)

    1. 有闲时乃可以搜全场听一听哦。。 O:-)
      Nightwish Showtime, Storytime Live at Wacken Open Air 2013

  9. 貌似今年前在评论里看过岚姐说,NIGHTWISH找了个唱流行的女的来唱歌特,不喜欢了。哈哈
    那个高清视频我取走了。 😡

    1. Anette还好吧,只是她不适合唱T姐唱过的,后期其实有几首歌挺好 🙂

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