Life Baby Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

Voila, here comes the hot summer, as well as Dragon-boat Festival( Chinese holiday in June) that just passed by with the army of green Zongzi, the traditional bamboo/reed leave-wrapped rice snack.

The summer in South China is truly unbearable for its crazy heat, high humidity and non-stop rain. From Shanghai to Taipei, I’ve been through that over 10 years, but it never seemed pleasant to live under such a horrible steamy oven-like weather. Besides, recently we’ve got a thrilling backyard “concert”, performed by the cheerful cicadas and frogs. Oh, my goodness! Life is already hard, so we shall not make it worse by doing miserable things.One advantage to live in a subtropical island is the easy access to the blue sea and the pretty beaches.We can always enjoy the summer beach as much as we like before the rain season, taking a walk along the coast for some fresh air, playing the sand or waves with our little girl, or going for a swim in the cool shallow water.
My little girl Adriana is now almost 1.5 year old, who likes waddling around the house, observing things with great curiosity, and of course touching everything visible, including digging into the trash can full of kitchen wastes. OMG! Sometime I really lose the patience, and burst into shouts as a mad dog, which surely brings Mr.T upset remark: Be gentle to the learning child. Why must you shout madly at her? Shame on your poor manners.
I: ……
Ok, fine. Shame on me for my poor indecent manners. It’s somehow difficult to take care of these little monsters for 24 hrs/7 days, no break no holiday for the whole year. Anyone who can still keep calm with the sweet smile about that, congratulations!You will win the medal of the best worker in the world!


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客


Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism  Yalan雅岚文艺博客

010 My lovely little reader…

Taipei Summer Northcoast Romanticism Yalan雅岚文艺博客

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70 thoughts on this Post

    1. 现给她买的小草帽,拍照也很可爱。。^_^端午的粽子, 异乡的不合口味,不吃好多年了

  1. 好吧,终于更新了!

    1. 也许可能大概是, 哈哈。。她的爱好是把所有的书都刨出来扔地上-_<

  2. Life is already hard, so we shall not make it worse by doing miserable things.

  3. 风景看起来挺好的,一晃眼小岚女都一岁半了,时间过得真快啊!有了孩子之后一家人在一起还是挺幸福和快乐的,不过24H/7D照顾孩子确实也挺累的,谁照顾谁知道,只能说累并快乐着了。

    1. 所以说把孩子扔给长辈照顾的父母真是不负责任啊, 虽然工作忙挣钱忙的借口是如此堂皇

        1. Well, 有的Baby乖乖的, 很好带….要是Baby哭闹很厉害、时不时生病,新手父母没啥经验,长辈们又在千里之外, 环顾四周陌生一群没帮手,如果还有病人要照顾,hoho, 谁还能发出这种好带的感慨我第一个给ta发一张大~大~~~的劳模奖。。

            1. 挑战一下极限,每3小时拿闹钟吵10分钟,看乃能忍多久。。。

    1. 是哦, 小孩子长很快的,同学的孩子都可组队上初中了, 哈哈哈

  4. 哈哈,肥嘟嘟的小脸,让人忍不住想用手指轻轻的戳……

    1. 可爱的婴儿肥,哈哈。。等她长大变瘦了,我会很怀念地说

  5. 带娃真美好,好幸福啊。林三的媳妇最大的愿望是去海边,可惜我一直没带她去~

    1. 所有的美好都被繁琐乏味又累人的日常+惊吓打败,幸福么,小孩子健康成长也算是一种吧

    1. 也好也不好,又烦又累,尤其基本生活尚未自理的小娃儿,吃饭穿衣睡觉洗澡如厕,样样要照顾+指导,还要启蒙认知学习各种语言,兼防摔防病防火防盗-_-|。。。习惯逍遥自在的人要做好十万分的心理准备,当然也不是什么人都能做全职,有闲钱的就请保姆,大多数人就扔给老爹老妈去带了

  6. 好久没看岚姐这里,都有小魔女了www,

    1. 是哦, 好几个博友扔掉的域名都如此了….鹚酱还停在2016啊, 哈哈哈

        1. 有时候想随便发一文,小女又开始狂呼乱跳,只好不了了之>_<

    1. >_<想着逍遥太久也不能再拖了,不然年纪太大,产后身体恢复不了没精力带孩子嘛(虽然如今每天都觉得精疲力尽,小孩子上蹿下跳的,光看都觉得累死人)

      1. 公司发的月饼券给卖掉了,现在的月饼大都不好吃,等中秋想吃了随便蛋糕店买一个说不定会不错。

  7. 哼哼(●´∀`●),确实全天照顾小孩子会让人心力憔悴,我家的那个小时候也是这样,整天在家翻箱倒柜的,在外根本拉不住。皮皮孩。


  8. 翻垃圾桶…想想那画面还真是让人抓狂。不过有妈妈全天候的陪伴,小宝宝肯定会是个快乐幸福乐观的宝宝。

      1. 一切都好,雅岚姐还是那么瘦,混血宝宝真的是太可爱太漂亮啦!话说,你的回复没有邮件通知的吗?

        1. 换了空间和域名之后,懒得折腾, 更新也超慢,所以没有+_<

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