Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Omnia is a pagan folk band based in Netherlands. No matter its music style or members’ looks, it definitely appears to be a cult band for its respect for nature, personal liberty and freedom of thought & expression for all, which could be called the Black Guardian of Anarchism (well, it shall be green guardian, actually).

Same as other pagan folk bands, Omnia has excellent musicians to play these ancient traditional instruments. Their live performance turns out amazing as the great feast for the audiences’ eyes. All members dress in black with the classic Celtic accessories, playing the music passionately and dancing like the ethic group in the deep forest. The sound of Celtic harp, hurdy-gurdy, bodhran, flutes, mandolin, mouth harp, guitar, various drums and Australian didgeridoo mix harmoniously together, creating a very brilliant and diverse music. They sing in English, Irish, Breton, Finish, German, Dutch, Swedish Latin, Hindi with satirical humour, a very singular anarchist approach to ancient European religion & musical tradition, combined with modern pagan spirituality. Because of their musical diversity, it’s very difficult to tell which particular music style they belong to. The soul of Omnia, Steve himself calls it simply pagan folk, neo-Celtic.
The pretty lady playing harp is the wife of Steve. They compose music together and play it with the band in the public.That’s awesome, isn’t it?

Omnia – Gröne Lunden(by Steve&Jennifer)


Omnia – I Don’t Speak Human (MV)

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26 thoughts on this Post

  1. 姐,竖琴?我比较喜欢古筝,虽然不会,但是觉得好优雅··· :))

    1. 文化差异咯 🙂 个人倒是很喜欢凯尔特竖琴,希腊竖琴尤其漂亮,但体积偏大

  2. 这支乐队适合黑色摇滚,声音比较有爆发力! 当然这首歌阐述的观点,也是毋庸置疑的!

    1. 在异教民谣的主旨下,可以各种音乐形式都玩一遍。。。 😀

    1. I don’t speak human, you can’t understand a word I’m saying B-)
      就算有世界通用语言,人们也未必能明白彼此想要表达的意思。。 :))

  3. 清脆的琴声,配上略带沙哑的嗓音,别有一番风味呢

    1. 瑞典民谣,应该是瑞典语唱的(虽然我也没听懂,查看了下英译的歌词) 😀

    1. 他们的歌词大都如此,充满黑色幽默与辛辣的讽刺意味。。 🙂
      MV里当5个黑压压的人齐声说:Fuck you,每次都让我觉得很好笑 =))
      Game of Thrones, 新的一季下个月要开播了。。。 :O)

  4. 我还是感觉情操太低了,不会欣赏艺术,每当身边的女性朋友去看话剧,都感觉好羡慕。 :O)

    1. 个人兴趣罢了 ;;) 我对话剧没什么兴趣,音乐剧、歌剧也只听选段而已

      1. 终于有音箱听了一下,里边几种乐器好奇怪,此外,这两人的嗓音和音乐旋律都算不上很优秀的那种,而且,我真不认为他们的作品能承载如此庞大的主题——地球生命人类未来扮演预言者等等。。。

        1. 各种阶层的人文关注罢了,不同的角度不同的视野。。。 B-)

  5. 这个歌确实有点意思哦,看到某评论说这他们的作品承载不了这种主题,本人不敢苟同,每个人心中都有自己的理念,并不是只有那种高大上的人才可以去表达对世界的观点,每个人都可以有自己的理解和寄托!

    1. 对啊,小清新的民谣也能唱些命运啊死亡啊救赎啊之类的 ;;)

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