In Luberon Valley, Oppède-le-Vieux is an ancient village full of mysterious atmosphere. It’s also my favourite place according to my unusual gothic taste. During a rainy day, looking from a far distance, you will have a very charming and peaceful scene: the light-yellow medieval stone houses hide in lush vegetation and thick forests; the mist rises from the valley, casting the mysterious veil over the 12th century church and ruin of ancient castle on the hilltop. That is exactly the gothic feeling I love: beautiful but gloomy, romantic but melancholy. To be honest, I really want to detain myself there, haha.

Oppède-le-Vieux was built in the 12th century, under the control of a cruel warlord, Baron of Oppède, whose castle dominated over the top of the hill and overlooked the villages in the whole valley. When this man got a suddenly impulse for war, he looked through the window and picked up one “target”, then brought his soldiers to attack the village ruthlessly. They robbed poor villagers, killed them and burnt down their houses. Those acts of brutality boiled people with fury and pain. However, glory, wealth and rank are nothing but shadows. Baron of Oppède was buried deeply by the soil and times. His splendid castle now only remains several broken walls. The ruin stands silently on the cliff, eroded by the wind and rain, chocked with weeds and ivies.

The ancient stone houses are hard to maintain due to the heavy moisture and humid forests. The inhabitants finally had enough and move down in the valley in the 19th century, which is called Oppède-les-Poulivets. The old village turned into a ghost place and disappeared from the visions of human. It was until the middle of 20th century, architect Bernard Zehrfuss founded an art commune in the old town , which attracted many artists come to live and brought Oppède-le-Vieux to life.
Today, this medieval village becomes one of the Provence tourist sites. In brilliant sunny days, people walk along the narrow streets surrounded by beautiful flowers, and admire the charming 15th and 16th century houses. Following the picturesque path up the hill to the old church, standing in the ruin of castle overwhelmed by weeds, you will see the marvelous scenery of the valley, while the heavy history and cruel changes of time will well up your heart and make you speechless. It’s a pity that I got the worst weather in Oppède-le-Vieux, a gloomy day with pouring rain. The roads were slippery and flooded by small rives of rain. It’s dangerous and risky to climb up the hill. After one glance of the church from the village, Mr.T dragged me into the car and escaped quickly to avoid potential insane action of his dark-minded wife. Oh, my gothic village! Some day, I will come again in morning with the clouds from the endless horizon.


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

the gothic view I missed:
The 12th century church and ruins of the castle

Oppède-le-Vieux Provence Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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83 thoughts on this Post

  1. 我的沙发。。

      1. 哇哦,好神往哇!读书的时候,就开始幻想这有这样的地方,只是一直没机会感受啊。 :((

  2. :O) 哇噻噻~~ 很有气质的村庄~
    004的窗子和蔷薇很美~ 是这几张里面比较柔美的一张了 :O)

      1. 嗯………………拍驚悚片、重口片的好地方…………鑒定完畢(^_^)

        1. 比如一只食人魔在阴森的石洞里大吃白嫩的小童子,嚼骨头嚼得咯吱咯吱乱响 :evil

          1. (QAQ)……嵐女欺負小生,明顯是白嫩的童子正津津有味的吃著食人魔,這樣可以給觀眾的視覺帶來強烈的沖擊 :evil

              1. 才不是什么魔嬰呢,說的跟鬼娃娃似的,最多喝喝無糖的Blood Juice~~~

  3. 外国的破房子咋看上去也那么别致呢 😆 还有墙角的蔷薇……

    1. 正所谓与自然的和谐咯,破败却不肮脏,古老却韵味十足 🙂

  4. 这房子都是石头砌的么?

  5. 又是很给力的风景呀!有着一种说不出的宁静的感觉! 🙂

  6. 哇,好帥~~~
    這個看著好有感覺,各種羨慕嫉妒恨 ~ 我也想去 ~~~~

    1. 就差那么几分钟,你太狠了,几分钟前我还在你那呢,早知道先到岚女这来。。。

  7. 不像鬼村啊,就看拍的照片挺安静的,不过最后那张到挺诡异。

    1. 都说了四月底去法国探亲兼度假,当然是那时候拍的照片咯 ;;)

      1. 你现在回来了吧。怎么那边的天如此阴暗。

        1. 有什么办法呢,天天阳光灿烂,一出去正好邂逅半年难见的暴雨 😉

  8. 🙂 岚姐,这类的中世纪建筑,是不是像游戏里一样,都是大石头块盖成的,外面挺威武,里面挺咯人啊?里面有没有糊一下墙呀 呵呵

    1. 里面也是石头,屋子很冷的,所以地上铺上厚地毯,墙上挂挂织锦壁画什么的 🙂

  9. 古老的村庄,经历了风风雨雨和岁月的长桑,看上去可以感受到当时的繁荣! :O)

  10. 相当美啊,很古朴!

    1. 吸血鬼么,得去罗马尼亚、匈牙利、捷克、斯洛伐克之类的 :evil

  11. 哇,这山庄真好看,还有点让人想起了有关狼人的电影。

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