The best choice to view Paris with great leisure and reasonable budget is to take a double-deck touring bus (If you prefer to float above the river, well, the yacht is a nice choice, too), especially during a charming weather. Sitting on the top deck, you can enjoy the breeze and watch the elegant city of Paris while the bus is crossing the majestic stone bridges above the Seine river– what an awesome and pleasant experience, isn’t it?Also, in a higher point of view, you will see things appear very different from what you used to think.

The double-deck touring buses in Paris seem have two colours, red and yellow. I’m not sure if their routes are same, but it’s certain that both of them stop near Notre Dame. When Mr.T and I saw one red touring bus arriving, we just jumped on it. The round tour of the red bus lasts 2 hours 15 minutes, passing 9 stops: Eiffel Tower- Champ de Mars- Musée du Louvre- Notre Dame- Musée d’Orsay – Opera/Galeries Lafayette- Champs-Élysées – Grand Palais- Trocadero, which covers most of famous sites in Paris. You may go down any stop to visit your favourite place, then take the next bus (without limitation of time).A multi-lingual system is available near the seat for you to hear commentaries in one of 9 languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. The bus has frequent daily departures, one bus every 10 minutes (6 minutes at weekends).The approximate timetable could be seen on the overleaf. You can buy the ticket on the bus: 27 euro/person for one day, 29 euro/person for two days, fixed price for kids, 15 euro.
Well, well, even a blind man can “see” that two days price is so unbeatable. Mr.T directly took out 60 euro and bought two tickets without any hesitation. He dragged me inside the touring bus, climbed to the upper deck and fiercely swept the city of Paris with his extraordinarily penetrating glances,ole.

001 Double-deck Touring Bus

Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

002 Yacht in the Seine

Paris Seine River Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Seine River Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Seine River Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

007 Small bookshops near the riverbank

Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Seine River Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

010 the giant Egyptian obelisk

Paris Seine River Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

011 Place de la Concorde, built in 1757

Place de la Concorde Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

012 L’église de la Madeleine

L'église de la Madeleine Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

013 Opera

Paris Opera Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

014 Marvelous front of Opera

Paris Opera  Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

015 Galeries Lafayette,the favourite of Asian new rich

Paris Galeries Lafayette Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

017 Champs-Élysées(one)

Paris Champs-Élysées Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

018 Champs-Élysées(two)

Paris Champs-Élysées Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

020 the Arc de Triomphe

Paris Arc de Triomphe Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Paris Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

022 the Building of LV,some parvenus’favourite

Paris Champs-Élysées Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

023 I Love Paris and hope you’re same, haha

Paris Champs-Élysées Photography Views Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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the Next:Paris, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum (Photos)

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58 thoughts on this Post

  1. 巴士非常的不错,可以站到上面,用来看街景最安逸了,最喜欢那个街边的书画铺,因为最喜欢逛这种街边的小摊。。哈哈

    1. 傍晚,他们把绿皮盒子一锁,扔河边就走人了 :)) 在书画铺里看到过几幅简洁漂亮的画,如果不是不好带,就买回来了

  2. 手机浏览,嘿嘿。明天再仔细瞅瞅。

    1. 流光溢彩啊,得等晚上去看夜景。。 😀

  3. 岚,名字就这么美,照片也美,唉,美女咋都出国了泥?

    1. 观光旅游罢了 B-) 所谓美女出国之说,不过是人民群众追求美好的一种向往

  4. 唔,照片里都是好天气,最近魔都这边暴雨ing,烦躁烦躁 :((

      1. 刚下过一阵,现在停了~ 下雨凉快湿嗒嗒,一出太阳又闷热无比,一场雨一阵闷。

          1. 昨天一天猫在家里,只记得一阵一阵都挺大的,到了深夜3点多 也很大雨有过一阵,吵得我都没睡着 @-)

  5. 🙂 充满浓郁文化气息的地方呀,我喜欢!有朝一日我也去那儿玩玩,以前看了很多莫泊桑的书,很多次写到这些地方。
    呵呵,那个大教堂,好像雅典娜住的地方 :))

    1. 古罗马帝国的影响,巴黎的一些古建筑看上去很像罗马的万神庙 :))

    1. 唔。。。这么说的话,魔君最幸福了,几乎跑遍了全世界 😀

    1. 此行只是去法国探亲而已,大部分时间都呆在南部,普罗旺斯啊 😀

  6. 感覺游船罐頭什么的還是巴士罐頭好 😀
    話說如果18世紀那時候的香榭麗舍大道看起來會更加有味道的么 😀

    1. 也许吧,如果像电影里面拍的那样,香花美女,王公贵族的座驾来回穿梭 :))

      1. 覺得以前的衣服很華麗的說,還帶假發撲粉(笑 😀
        话说竟然看到三轮车 :))

        1. 那个是观光车,可坐一两人 🙂 如果是两大胖子,蹬车的小哥有罪受了 =))

          1. 國內的都加裝馬達了,果然如果是兩個大胖子就應該這樣 =))

            1. Mademoiselle O:-) 请把kita带到埃菲尔铁塔,魔女在塔尖上等着她

  7. 好大的LV啊,还有 传说中的香榭丽舍大道和凯旋门,巴黎人民穿的好暖和啊

  8. 他那边的河水也没有想像中的那么好

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