Piazza San Marco(St Mark’s Square in English),the principal public square of Venice, Italy, is the most beautiful square in the world because of the delicate architecture and its unique geographical place above the water. Napoleon, Emperor of the French who conquered Venice in the 19th century called it “the drawing room of Europe”.
The square was originally built in the 9th century, named from the great church of St Mark, disciple of Jesus, author of the St Mark’s Gospel who admitted martyrdom in Egypt around 67 BC. It’s said in the 9th century, two rich Venetian merchants stole the supposed relics of Mark the Evangelist from Alexandria and “smuggled” to Venice under the secret direction of the Doge, the supreme authority of the Republic of Venice. The church was therefore founded to worship St Mark and made him the guardian of Venice, with the symbol of a winged lion holding the book quoting “Pax Tibi Marce Evangelista Meus” (Peace to you Mark my evangelist).Until now, in the entrance of Piazza San Marco, the bronze statue of the winged lion still stands on the top of the eastern pole, watching down the whole city above the blue water.
As the political religious &art center of Venetian Republic, Piazza San Marco used to be the resident of the Archbishop, until 1797 when Napoleon occupied Venice and took it in the territory of the French Empire. In 1866, Venice incorporated into Italy, as a city in the northeast. Nowadays, Piazza San Marco is still the most prosperous area, and attracts numerous tourists all over the world, especially during the Carnival of Mask every year in February. No matter day or night, an ocean of visitors pass by the Square, visiting the Doge’s Palace made in red & white marble in Venetian gothic style, and the St Mark’s Basilica, a wonderful mix of Eastern Byzantine art, Roman art, medieval Gothic art and Renaissance art; or taking a seat in the open-air cafes with a cup of coffee, listening to live classic music, or walking around the Square, feeding groups of fat pigeons in great leisure.
The obvious defect of Venice is the winter tide which becomes more and more frequent. In the past, only 7 or 8 times happened, but now the city gets flooded over 100 times each year, while the foundation under the water keeps sinking year by year. Piazza San Marco locates on the lowest level; no doubt it’s the first flooded place during a tide or a heavy rain. The drains of the Square are designed to lead excess rainwater into the Grand Canal, however, during the tide period of Adriatic Sea they turn into the channels of seawater rushing inside Piazza San Marco. Well, if this situation continues, Venice, the city arising from the water, will become a beautiful pearl in the bottom of the blue sea, amen.
001 Move on after the Bridge of Accademia
002 Here we are. Wow! So broad view!
003 the island of San Giorgio Maggiore
004 Piazza San Marco (I)
007 Full view (by Philip Greenspun)
008 The Clock tower, built in 15th century,97 meters high.
009 Ms Yalan in front of the St Mark’s basilica
010 Marvellous corridor of Palace
012 A pigeon flew on the head of a girl who’s taking photos.Everyone passed by her and laughed.
013 Live classic music in Coffee Florian(since 1720)
015 Let’s take a rest and have something to drink. A coffee for Mr.T and a fruit ice cream for me. Don’t forget the charge of Music,6 euro /person.
016 Luxury interior decoration of Florian
017 Two waiters of Coffee Florian,handsome Italain guys, haha
018 Piazza San Marco with the Basilica, by Canaletto, 1730
019 Piazza San Marco & Doge’s Palace, from the Grand Canal
020 Venice in the Period of Tide(even it looks beautiful)
021 Winter night, the Square got flooded
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:O) 偶来也~~~
白色石头建筑就是漂亮~ 😡
怎么那边的侍者 划船的 还有服务员都嫩么帅涅~~还很有气质~
这么美的地方成为海底明珠 该是多可惜。。 :((
也不是都很嫩啦,也有很成熟的 :))
哇哇哇,那兩只侍者好帥啊,氣場V5 😀 ~果然到處都是帥哥的說
意大利人的确很帅。。 :))
意大利帥哥的氣場很獨特的說 😀
长发魔女也美 ;;) ;;) ;;)
还好了,我一向很低调地混在人群里 B-)
这么长的头发在人群里已经很吸引眼球了 😀 😀
:)) 哦,那倒也是,尤其一群欧洲人里的黑色长发女子
污染极少,天空蓝得非常纯净,与碧波相映,非常漂亮 :O)
许多游人都恋恋不舍…不过,真住在那儿可是很头痛的 😀
一杯咖啡9欧。。 :)) 水果冰激凌,很好吃很好吃,耶
这样算来也才70多块一杯,也还算能接受,就是音乐也要收6欧元,有点那个了…不听不行吗? :))
自带咖啡,去广场入口的大运河边坐着。。 B-)
旅游么,都是这样 ;;)
潮汛期在冬季,五月、九月最适宜 🙂 盛夏时水又不够,有些小河道都干涸了
一咬牙,游回去。。。 :-O
破纪录了,一篇自暴三次。。 B-)
我想看看大头目,嘿嘿… 😀
他不喜曝光,不过跟上篇的水上巴士“司机”有点像 =))
你指的是头光光、戴墨镜的那个吗? :evil
没错,that’s it :evil
这么说来大头目不是中国人? :))
Frenchman 😉 我都发了许多法国篇了,你可真迟钝啊
話說大頭目走黑伯爵路線么 :evil
嗯,黑摄会教父 B-)
🙂 随着温室效应加强,未来好多沿海城市都面临威尼斯这样的窘境,不过可能它更为严峻罢了 B-)
是啊,物非人非,沧海桑田,转眼已过千年 B-)
😡 😡 😡 😡 意大利很美!
很西方就有些奇怪了 :)) 不过很西化的东方人确实可以
:O) 很东方的给威尼斯一景,让老外眼睛也一亮,不然,他们会自大拉啊 :))
也有亚洲游客的嘛,看到过几个韩国人 😀
逐渐从水上—水中—水底演变,真要变海底城市了 @-)
或許是水上-水中-龍宮的演變呢 😀
正好,到时候我去攻占威特兰蒂斯 :evil 欢迎kita来做客
然后就成了魔宮:圣維特蘭蒂斯 😀
好名字,就它了 :evil
什么好有钱 😛 物价跟北京上海差不多,不过国人的收入与支出差距可就大了。。
漂亮的岚女,漂亮的风景,岚女貌似在环游地球? :blush
没有啊,五月份去的 ….整理照片发一发 O:-)
去就去了,干啥拿我跟她比。。 😛 😛 😛
yeah~这次好多雅岚姐姐的真相~ 哈哈~
好多鸽子,扑过去抓一只~这广场好独特,边上就是海么,地势也低~ 真的很容易就被淹了呢~
是啊,以前的港口,许多载满货物的帆船在水面上来来往往,好不热闹 :O)
帆船唉~ 感觉帆船什么的比起现在的船带感儿多了,飞翔的荷兰人神码神码的~ 霍霍霍~ 让我想起了加勒比海盗。 现在那边应该不是港口了哇?应该只是个游船码头什么的~ 🙂
Flying Venetian….. O:-)
现在确实是游船码头了,港口大概要远一些 ,像法国的马赛港一样
应该在大航海时代时候一个个都是大港口,现在功用稍微变了下 O:-)
地方真漂亮,可惜还是比不上魔女, :))
哦 原来这个带翅膀的狮子就是圣马可的化身、威尼斯的象征,呵呵
对啊,潮汛超多,据说一年淹个200次左右呢 ;;) 最严重的还是水下地基下沉的问题
有生之年,去一去。。。 :O)
😡 😡 哇噻 正面照~~ 深V V~~
大浓妆…是不是很哥特? :))
岚姐,现在回国没?还在威尼斯吗? 🙂
在东海…… ;;)
:blush ,原来老早就回来啦,我还一直以为在行程中,哈哈哈
姐啊,,下次带我去。。。 😀
去找你的雅典娜,黄金圣斗士。。 :evil
雅典娜不就是指你嘛,你说的太婉转了。。 😀
本宫是暗夜魔族的王女。。。 :evil
风景挺美的,羡慕 :))
:O) 不过那肯定也是要出图滴,要咱们来画是要哭哦,不过我觉得应该计算更难些吧, :))
你俩一起抱头痛哭… =))
总督府外表看上去非常典雅,内部那个金碧辉煌,极尽奢华 @-)
建筑风格确实不错,相对来说更加喜欢岚姐前段时间发的小山庄,很安静 :O)
生活嘛,还是喜欢住在安安静静、风景优美的山庄 🙂
最后一张 ,水把地面连成一片,灯光照上去,像个舞台。挺不错的图片 :O)
对了,你这样偷拍帅哥,你家大头目不吃醋啊 :))
他拍美女,我拍帅哥,互不相欠,吃什么醋啊 😉
到时看你还笑 :))
鸽子耶,大哥。。怎会掉下来,应该担心鸟儿在头顶shit =))
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