Art Yalan雅岚文艺

Painted as pale corpse on stage, PowerWolf is an extraordinary German band, well-known by its unique metal music style, with the mysterious religious themes, gothic-tinged composition and songs about legendary creatures.

Officially, the band was founded in 2003 by GreyWolf brothers, Matthew and Charles, the long-term music partners. Soon the keyboardist Falk Maria and drummer Stéfane joined the band, but no suitable singer turned up. The wolf brothers started writing songs and travelled to Romania for holiday, where they met Attila Dorn in a pub, a student of classic opera at the academy in Bucharest who shared the same interests specially in Romania legends about werewolf and vampire. So, Attila accepted their invitation to move to Germany as the front-man of PowerWolf.
The band released their first album Return in Bloodred in 2005. After 4 years, they entered the official German Charts for the first time with their third album Bible of the Beast. Experiencing twice change of drummer, the band embraced the successful fifth album Preachers of the Night, which debuted at No.1 in Germany in 2013. No doubt the following 3 albums have been affectionately welcomed by the metal fans. The ninth album Wake up the wicked which has just been released, absolutely represents a masterpiece of their marvelous music~~Personally, I love 1589 and Sinners of the Seven Seas most, very classic style of PowerWolf, thrilling stories about werewolves, mysterious and fascinating by combining orchestra sounds, church choir into traditional power metal. And these two MVs, have been produced wonderfully as the beautiful but tragic gothic movies.
Even the lyrics of PowerWolf songs are characterized by the treatment of Christianity and Romanian legends, the band never consider themselves as a religious band, as well as their gothic-church style stage designed by Matthew Greywolf, the main songwriter & guitarist. When being asked if he was a Christian or a Satanist, Matthew replied: “I am a metalist…… Metal is my religion.”
Needless to say, all metal fans belong to a world-wide “religion”. For me, I would love to join the Heavy Metal Mass of PowerWolf, maybe in the future during Hellfest in France or Waken Open Air in Germany, amen…
P.S. Every time when I put on the earphone to enjoy PowerWolf MV, my dearest Mr.T always passed by incidentally as a cat and dropped me the same comment: “ OMG~~Corpses~~~Death metal is so dreadful~~~


Metal Music  PowerWolf Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Metal Music  PowerWolf Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Metal Music  PowerWolf Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Metal Music  PowerWolf Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Metal Music  PowerWolf Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

006 Hellfest 2023 in France

Metal Music  PowerWolf Hellfest Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

007 Summer Breeze in Germany

Metal Music  PowerWolf Summer Breeze Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

PowerWolf – Sinners of the Seven Seas(MV)

(Well, I assume that the male fans would love another MV:We Don’t Wonna Be No Saints ,for those “wicked” secret orgies )

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18 thoughts on this Post

  1. 一看开头还以为是岚mm沉寂好久新作出市,没想到突然画风一变。。。

    1. 新作啊~~我的一些老作都没写完o( ̄┰ ̄*)以后有时间要努力几把了
      咱曾试着在某酷上搜寻该乐队的MV,结果啥也没找到~~( ̄_ ̄|||)

    1. 该说是严谨呢,还是狂放,挺极端Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ还算包容另类文化吧
      个人比较偏爱北欧的金属乐,如白雪极光般壮美的类型(★ ω ★)~~当然不美的也很多,比如死亡金属的那个可怕唱腔,实在欣赏不来

  2. Sinners Of The Seven Seas 可以在b站bilibili搜到,国外的死亡金属和死亡摇滚,在国内受众很小众。

    1. 噢,我去看看可否贴过来,嘿嘿~~~Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

  3. 我已经很久没有更新金属乐了,也不知道为什么,现在也很少听金属类的歌了,之前车载下载了好多黑金属和歌特,开车的时候放音响,我闺女说听着吓人,当天我就把u盘全删了。

    1. 一般的人欣赏不了这么重口的音乐,别提小孩子咯~~自己喜欢的,随意听听就好Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

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