Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

If you go to the old town, you must stay in its pretty inn for several nights, leave alone those modern hotels in the city.

There’re numerous inns in Lijiang old town, among which the biggest has no more than 15 rooms. With dark blue tiles and white wall, they’re all traditional Naxi Quadrangle Courtyard Houses made by wood, stone, and clay, mostly in the typical style that a central courtyard is surrounded by three houses &a front well. Several of them are in the style of the Front of the Courtyard and Two Quadrangle Courtyard Houses with One Gate. The Naxi house structures look roughly simple, adapted to natural environment, but never lavished natural resources. The windows, doors, fences and screen walls are all carved in delicate wooden patterns of flowers and wild animals. Decorated with tiles and pebbles on the floor, the central courtyard appears in special elegant design among luxuriant plants and blooming seasonal flowers as peonies, begonia, and 3-petal plum blossoms. Sounds so charming, right? Thinking about the family who had led a restful and leisured life in those beautiful houses, I could not deny that I was crazy jealous of them, haha.

Besides of their pretty looks, the Naxi Quadrangle Courtyard Houses are also well-known for anti-seismic, water-proof and well-ventilated performances. The defect, of course, is poor sound-proof. You can hear people talk in the next door or the yard; you may have a “peaceful” night if there’s a snoring neighbour. When a couple wants to make love, well, I would suggest that you two do it more gentle, without disturbing screaming for sure. Biting a soft pillow or the clean bed-sheet will be a good solution, hahaha. The inns charge different from 100rmb single-room to 800rmb luxury suit. Personally, I like these old houses with beautiful flower-yard near a small canal. For those who prefer gorgeous view of the old town, you could choose to live in the lower Huangshan part of Xinhua Street (kind of close to the bar street, might be noisy). Be careful of the long and steep stairs, difficult to bring your suitcase up.
P.S. The stone path of Lijiang old town is a real killer to all suitcases. You’d better not take a heavy one there. It has quite nice weather, actually, except cool in rainy days, early morning and late night. Some summer clothes with one jacket will be fine. For girls, a pair of comfortable flat shoes is strongly recommended. Instead of bringing a heavy coat, you could just drop in a fancy Naxi shawl shop, buy a thick one and wear it for cool days.


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

002 Let me try the free Wifi

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

005 the Beautiful Lotus Door

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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52 thoughts on this Post

        1. 谁?我么?每天走那石子路,累个半死 😉 一回客栈就倒头大睡

  1. 红杏出墙,灯栏簇拥,羊肠小道,涓涓细流,仿佛又起了炊烟,仿佛又匆匆了过客 😀

    1. 🙂 我这是泛指,并不是说乃在作诗。江山我来指点,天下你们去打 =))

  2. 总觉得花枝探出墙的景色格外美~~
    悠长幽静的巷子也是很有味道呢。 :O)
    看来 景色实在不错呢 :O) :O)

    1. 深巷子的客栈幽美安静,坐在院子里或依水的茶室,无所事事,人生快事也 :))

  3. 上次去西塘住的也是那种雕花大床的房间,睡的挺踏实,丽江现在花开的这么好呢

    1. 夏天、秋天气候最好,草木青翠,繁花似锦 😀 下雨就冷了

  4. 好怀念的地方~国内的景点我大部分全部走过了~现在就在等着出国玩咯~对于像这样人一个做旅游的人来说,最大的乐趣莫过于闲下来了在家睡大觉~ 😀

  5. 近期准备去泰国的,看看这房子,我觉得可以先去趟丽江再说…

    1. 去吧去吧 😀 这时节,柳色青青,阳光正好,花开正绚,美女正多

  6. 恩,旅游不仅仅是去看潺潺流水、幽静小栈、静鹜的山川。还有某岚的一段感情~~ :))

  7. 喜欢古镇游,人太多的地方不怎么喜欢,到处都是人,一般古镇相对来说游客少些 [-(

  8. 小岚女到处跑啊!!真心羡慕啊!我都猫在公司和家里,哪都不想动!!!

    1. 我可不小,你得叫我姐姐 :evil
      有空了还是四处走一走,身临其境毕竟不一样,每个人有每个人的回忆 🙂

  9. 丽江 我们大学室友一直无法成行的梦想呀 真的不知道我们什么时候可以一起去丽江

    1. 事在人为咯。。人家还三年五年计划呢,你来个十年二十年又何妨 B-)

      1. 十年二十年呀 您这么一说 我更觉得悬啦 还是趁现在都还没拖家带口的 赶紧再疯狂一下吧 我去鼓动鼓动她们去

  10. 保持的古色古香的感觉真好啊,不知道岚姐有没有遇到一只大花猫,上次朋友去那里玩还拍到了…… :-O

    1. 我跟胖白猫有缘 =)) 每次去古镇都要遇到,且都是懒洋洋地趴在窗台上

  11. 古镇什么的蛮喜欢去的了~
    云南啊,一直在计划着,但计划总是赶不上变化 。

  12. 很喜欢这样有特色的老民居。。。014 若是推窗,能否看到小河对面的有情郎(窃笑ing)

    ——就怕遇到西门庆 :))

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