Venice has more than 400 bridges in diversified styles and sizes, among which there’re only 4 across the Grand Canal: Rialto, Ponte dell’Accademia, Ponte degli Scalzi and Ponte della Costituzione that was newly built in 2008.

Rialto is the most famous old bridge, a symbol of Venice, the original trade center.Shakespeare mentioned it in his play, Merchant of Venice, and made the Rialto Bridge well-known in the world. Today it becomes one of the most popular places for tourists.

Near the hotel where Mr.T and I lived, there’s Ponte dell’Accademia. Located in the southern end of the canal, it was firstly structured in steel in 1854. After demolished, it’s replaced by a wooden bridge twice. By the way, when you stand on the bridge, the view of the Grand Canal is really amazing!

Ponte degli Scalzi and the new bridge Ponte della Costituzione are quite close, near the train station of Venice. The modern style of the new bridge has been criticized a lot, because of the lack of wheelchair access, lack of necessity and its style being incompatible with Venice’s medieval architecture. No matter what, it’s still there, above the Grand Canal with its shining steel armor. Let’s talk about it someday when its game is over.

001 Ponte della Costituzione &Ponte degli Scalzi nearby

Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

002 Ponte degli Scalzi(Full View in the previous post, 005)

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Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

004 Beautiful Architecture along the Canal

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005 Wow, lots of Gondolas

Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

006 I wanted to sit near the Canal,too, and put my feet in the water.But Mr.T stopped me(Crying…)

Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

007 The “driver” of vaporetti(Cool)

Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

008 Here we are, the stop of Rialto

Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

009 The Rialto Bridge

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Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

011 Shops in the middle of the Bridge

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012 Artworks of Venice glass

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013 Another side of the Rialto

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Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會


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016 Ponte dell’Accademia

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017 Splendid view of the Grand Canal

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020 Ms Yalan on the Accademia Bridge (Mr.T’s favourite pose,haha)

Venice View Photography Romanticism 水城威尼斯 風光攝影 浪漫主義 Yalan雅嵐 黑攝會

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98 thoughts on this Post

  1. 很羡慕岚姐的说。。。。。 😀
    还有看到第11张的时候我笑了,岚姐的签名是故意签到那个店铺的招牌上吧 :))

  2. 贡多拉很漂亮的说~ :))
    “大街”“小巷” 各有各的风味~ 配上蓝天白云 更美 😀
    前段时间因为太热 扎起马尾太沉,, :(( 我狠下心剪去一截

    1. 不是哦,Nice是法国南部城市,Venice是意大利东北部城市,原来是共和国来着 🙂

  3. 突然想呢,如果威尼斯下面都是水下通道的話,然后就哇哇哇哇 😀
    K+: 大頭目是回首控無誤(>_<)

          1. 威尼斯驚魂之旅,嘛。。。估計這樣下去會被船夫們總點捕撈了呢,不然他們就要窮死的說

  4. 不说是威尼斯,一看还以为城市被水淹了,

    1. 名副其实的水上城市 :O) 独一无二

              1. 小生一直覺得亞特蘭蒂斯的存在,果然神都應該是外星人什么的 🙂

  5. 手撑的船也好好看的样子,感觉有点像维京人的船~
    PS:雅岚姐姐用的是黑莓么? @-)

      1. 你一说水乡之歌就让我想到京城,介个貌似不太好,再说了相对来说还是蓝天白云绿草地更有爱,最好再来一条潺潺的溪流,水乡…现在这个词不太好,不太好…

            1. 你小子真够猛的,挤进末日猛将前八了 😀 人家7个月比不上你2个月的口水

              1. 不对啊,数据有点不正常,我记得漠北是400+的评论,现在怎么才这么点了?什么统计依据啊?先声明,我不是黑客,这不是我干的 :evil

                1. 漠北的400+是从岚女博客第二年的起点算滴,现在榜单是2012年的 🙂

              2. 要这么算的话也难说,要是从最近两个月算起我可能还是状元呢…按年来算也有一定的依据,不过按全部评论条数来统计也许也不错 😀

                1. 调整时间来计咯,不然新博友没有露面的机会,没有动力 🙂

    1. (望着远处的蓝色海面,抒情地)啊~~~~大海啊,我的故乡 :))

  6. 已经岚女链接了,哈哈,最近可能忙,更新较少!但为方便访问还是从了吧

    1. 不是水边,是建在水上。以前冬季潮汛较短,一年淹个7、8次 ;;) 现在淹个100次很常见,所以许多居民都搬走了,只剩下旅游观光产业了

    1. 交通工具只有船只,没有其他工业污染,蓝天碧水当然很漂亮了 🙂

  7. 嘿 你别说 头发还真长

    1. 你哪里看的什么情定日出 😛 日落最美,心碎是乃多愁善感

        1. 夕阳西下,与心爱的人漫步在柔软的沙滩上,沐浴着海风,眺望远方的落日沉下浩瀚的蓝色海洋。。 :O)

  8. 🙂 两头翘起的那种小船真有意思啊,不知道坐里面会不会害怕,呵呵。

    1. 跳进船里时的确晃来晃去,有些担心会掉水里 :)) 不过坐下之后,真的好惬意 :O)

  9. 漂亮的风景,那种划行的小船小时候经常坐,现在很是怀念呢。

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