Art Yalan雅嵐文藝

The Ghost Festival in TW has just passed by., a time when many Taiwanese give offerings and pray to their ancestors, gods and ghosts. Yet the ghost month remains another two weeks, before the life returns to ‘normal”.
However, it’s not unusual for the massive Taoists and Buddhists here to carry out their lives with many restrictions and taboos. The ghost month seems just a certain period of time to pay more attention to one’s behavior and speech, without offending the hungry ghosts from the hell…
Anyway, I am an atheist, and do respect other ways of living.
Nonetheless, the humid weather in this tropical island still doesn’t suit me at all.
Well, at least it’s mid-august now. We have been through several mild earthquakes and few showers of rains. The breeze from the front door carries a bit of coolness to our oven-like living-room. The noise of cicadas starts to fade away in backyard. When the night falls, I can pick up the brushes for watercolour paintings, enjoying the fresh wind from the fan, and the eternal silence of the world……


Taipei Life Art  Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Original Watercolour Painting Northern Light Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Original Watercolour Painting Siren Mermaid Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

004 It’s actually horizontal(well,it seems great in vertical, too)

Original Watercolour Painting Siren Mermaid Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Original Watercolour Painting Sea Clouds Mountain Fox Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

006 The Floating Market in Mekong River

Original Watercolour Painting Mekong river Floating Market Fruit boats Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

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35 thoughts on this Post

  1. 哇哦,最后一张丰收的季节。。。。

  2. 改名那么随便的吗?父母赐的名字蕴意深远…大陆也可以改且没有次数限制,不过个人一般不会随意去改名或要改的更好。海妖的背光身影可以给人无限地去想象海妖的样子。

    1. 是哦,一般符合特别情况才改,比如同名太多、读音有伤风化、父母离异、领养之类的……随心所欲地改,也就没有起名的意义了o( ̄┰ ̄*)多数人是为了改个运势好的名字

    1. 或许是因为图一小女在看童书么,还是画作有童话般的趣味梦幻感,哈☆⌒(*^-゜)

    1. 因为可以很快改回来嘛~~不过,随便改名字的,基本上就是无脑的类型( ̄_ ̄|||)

  3. 岚姐好,小弟私订了一批高山乌龙茶做伴手礼盒,作中秋佳节礼,赠予耳朵友链博友,麻烦通过邮件给我留个收货地址,诚邀您品鉴。

    1. 多谢小钟~~(✿◠‿◠)心领了,不用麻烦寄咯,家里还放着N多罐茶(没人喝),哈

  4. 鲑鱼之乱,那会看TVBS新闻,笑半死,少康战情室还连续两天讨论这个。


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