As the first and only orchards of blueberry & kiwi in Taiwan, Shei-Pa Leisure Farm has developed its own organic products, the blueberry jelly and vinegar, which appear very popular either in the market or among the farm visitors. Every summer, there’re DIY activities for the guests to make jelly and vinegar. The visitors can walk around the orchard, pick up some fruit, then go to the workshop for DIY.
Well, it sounds pretty good.
At the beginning, Mr.T and I thought we might have a fruit harvest besides overfilling our stomachs with nice blueberries. However, it turned like a JOKE when the guide sent us in a green house for 1 minute to look for the tiny blueberries in those extraordinarily luxuriant trees. Oh, dear! That was really interesting and fun, especially after all the mature fruit had already gone……
004 Fig, African Lily,Hydrangea,green persimmon
005 Oh, there’re fruit bats。。
006 The coffee shop in the clouds(I)
007 (II)
008 Greenhouse of flowers
009 The fir woods
011 Let’s have a rest in the garden
012 The kiwi trees nearby
013 The small blueberry orchard
014 Green, green, green…Where’s the dark blueberry? Kind of disappointing。。。
015 Return in the mist。。
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岚姐深度游雪霸,一游游出三篇文…… :))
拍的照片很多,一两篇发不完 🙂 最多的还是丽江行,足足发了十篇 =))
简直就是世外桃源嘛,,哈哈,那雾感觉跟海一样 😀
第一次感受到这么浓厚的云雾啊 😀 正午一过,云雾就弥漫开来,虽然很仙,暮色中在山路上行车太可怕了,觉得随时都会掉下山崖的云海去。。 :-O
自己种点蔬菜水果、养些鸡鸭,老死了很久才被人发现 =))
007 到是人间仙境!
是啊,不过我们去时台风即将过境,没怎么在云海咖啡厅呆着呢 🙂
大好山河 不知不觉让兰姐尽收眼底已经几分了? :))
这个比较范围,很难说 ;;) 相对一般大众,吾也算有开阔的世界观了。。 =))
云雾缭绕的,好似仙境。。。 😀
吃叶子么..果子不熟,摘也不好吃,没准还会吃坏肚子。。。 ;;)
泰山黄山之流的,没有如此景色么。。。 ;;)
还想着可以像群猴子一样在农场里摘果子呢 :)) 结果啥也没摘到 L-)
休憩中的岚姐 有点瓷娃娃啊 ! :-*
没有吧。。。比起同龄人,倒也没沧桑的Look =))
现在是大规模的生态休闲山庄(78座木屋),当然不是一般的小农场了。。 ;;)
文中第四行: 雪霸休闲农场…. 😉 照片全是在农场里拍的
是么。。难怪总有人问我妈:你姑娘高中毕业没。。。 =))
:-O :-O 云海 云海!超级赞!
宛如坐在云上喝咖啡一般。。。 :))
Nothing….要么自个跑去做果酱,要么等奇异果成熟了掏钱买 L-)