Shinya Shokudo (Night Restaurant) is the Japanese manga series by a male artist Abe Yaro, first published in 2006 and gained great popularity for its nice presentations of Japanese food and real life stories about common people working around Shinjuku, Tokyo, the well-known red light district.
From 2009, it has been adapted into live-action TV drama with 3 seasons, and a real movie in early 2015.
In 2010, it won the 55th Shogakukan Manga Award for general manga. At the same year,it was awarded for the 39th Manga Taishō. Being a manga artist who started his career in 40’s, I believed that it really meant a lot.
Honestly, I watched the TV drama of Shinya Shokudo first, then searched the manga book to kill the time when no new episode came out. Actually, it collected more interesting stories of various customers in this small night restaurant which was managed by a 50-year-old-like Japanese man with a scar on his left eye. He could serve nice food in the customer’s need, as well as life wisdom to people lost in this big city. Well, as we know, Shinjuku District has the reputation of the risky crazy night life, so you can imagine what characters would appear in the manga series: the usual group( includes office workers, freelance photographers, writers, manga artists), young people who struggle for life or dreams; the “unusual” group refers to the dangerous mafia guys, the fancy gays who dress as women, the sexy strip dancers, the “adorable” AV actors, night-club prostitutes, gigolos and lady-boys……Ah! Quite fancinating, isn’t it?
001 Shinjuku at night
004 Some people came for “flavor in memory”
005 Very charming small restaurant
006 An elegant old lady
007 Women ordered pig’s knuckle for beauty
008 The nice food cooked by the boss
009 In winter,the boss got some idea for menu
010 Crazy night life in Shinjuku clubs
011 The sigh of the manga artist(hard to draw certain food)…..
012 Live-action TV drama
One more pretty picture of real food on TV
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尤其不能晚上看,越看越饿,然后也跟着吃起来了。。。 :))
这剧的好处之一是可以学做菜,你也可以来几手。。。 😀
嘛,家常菜很简单的,你可以试试看 🙂
我留了几集比较喜欢吃的菜…. :))
还挺好玩的,只是所有人物脸都差不多 ;;) 反正也是许多漫画的通病了
挡不住那吃货的风情啊…… 😀
日式的菜对摆盘很讲究,看起来尤其漂亮 🙂
看题目,我还以为你又去哪里寻美食了呢,还纳闷怎么非得深夜去吃啊,原来不是这个样子的~后面那几幅美食图片还不错,真是越看越饿 =))
这几年来很少出去吃了呢 ;;) 除非特别的日子,才会外出点些特色菜 😀
在家里吃?谁做的呢 :evil 也没看过发照片上来呢
有时某头目做,有时我做,没什么特别的。。 ;;)
哦,其实发过N多蔬菜打的美颜汤和DIY菠菜面。。 😀
岚姐是个小媳妇+家庭煮妇。 =))
自己做的菜,绿色健康,比较放心咯。。 🙂
深夜食堂,想到了每天深夜入睡前躺在床上看美拍上面的美食广场。 :))
入睡前还要看一看食物,真有你的。。。 ;;)
哈哈,想做的一手好菜,以后给我家姑娘吃。 =))
Good,即使填饱自个儿的肚子也是很好的 😉
《孤独的美食家》也可以看看,各处的美食与风景 🙂 不过没什么剧情。。
电影版,1月30在日本上映,4/30在TW上映。。。 ;;)
最近胖了不少 走路都感觉好累 !
每天早晚,跑步去。。。 :evil
不过鹚酱更希望这部能动画化www =))
我觉得真人版挺好的,动画也许少了几丝韵味呢。。。 🙂
话说我也向往作为一枚吃货的境界、但且徒然无奈。。。 :((
到处去吃也不见得吃到美味,毕竟个人口味大都是孩童时期习得的 ;;)
:O) 岚姐许久不见,甚是想念。
同念同念。。。 :)) Leyang有了小孩,大概很忙
悲催的…..有不少加班费的话,好歹还有点儿心理安慰 ;;)
日漫题材比较广泛,既有幼龄、少年、中青年读物,也有成人读物 B-)
闲来无事,来瞧瞧美食,赏心悦目。。。 :))
有没有学会一道菜了….. ;;) 😀
没科普的意味,不过自己的兴趣罢了。。。 🙂
不知为何我联想起了“寄生兽”这个漫画 =))