Art Yalan雅嵐文藝

Well, here we are…..

In the hottest time of the year
Suffering the fire from the Hell
(Well, precisely, from the Sun)
Dare not stay in the heat insane
In forever cold I shall remain…


Original Watercolour Painting Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客


Original Watercolour Painting Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

003 The Art for Mr.T
(who is very satisfied with the Artisan Bread

Original Watercolour Painting Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

004 The coming post: the Burning Melodic Heavy Metal

Original Watercolour Painting Gothic
Guitarist Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

005 I assume that Adriana loves metal music, too…

Original Watercolour Painting Romanticism Yalan雅嵐文藝博客

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the Next:Metal is Religion – PowerWolf, the Legendary Power Metal (MV)

the Previous: Dream House – the Romantic Countryside (Watercolour)

38 thoughts on this Post

    1. 比较简单的,画几小时;细节多复杂的,画几天。。
      如果要出杰作,画好几个月或几年,或根本画不出。。~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

    1. 哈哈,还是屠卿了解Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ。。。自从小女出生后,咱就没写过音乐文

  1. 小岚女这么小就这么厉害,而且能静下心来画好一幅画,非常棒~~

    1. 多谢Lvtu兄美言(✿◠‿◠)。。小女每天不知要画多少画呢,下次整理了找有趣的发一发

    1. 听起来很悠哉(〃^▽^〃)其实,要达到预期的最终Look,无数次的修改,很痛苦,哈

    1. 并没有啦~~~只是听金属乐的时候,小女经常溜到咱身后偷看(^∀^●)ノ

    1. 大多是先有個構想,細節部分再找素材(實物、照片)補充~~~*(✿◠‿◠)

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