Well,another strong typhoon just passed by Taiwan…
Except 8 hours’water cut, we still have power and internet, hooray!
Now is October again. Time goes so fast. In mid-September, Mr.T and I drove to Hehuan Mountains for vacation. Thinking about that morning, I had to get up at 3:20 am with my dark-circled eyes just for a sunrise. Sounds crazy, isn’t it?
Located in Central Taiwan, the highest of Hehuan Mountains is 3422 meters above the sea level, part of Taroko Gorge Nation Park. This area is very pleasant for marvellous mountain scenery, where visitors can enjoy the stunning sunrise before the shinning stars. It also has nice cool weather in summer, as well as the beautiful snow scene in winter which obviously attracts many Hongkong, Macau, and Southeast Asian tourists. Oh, don’t forget the Cingjing area nearby of Nantou County. With numerous European style houses and inns, it looks quite charming as a small town in Europe, especial in the snowing winter…
001 4 am in the morning。。
003 Oh, it started。。
004 The beautiful light among heavy clouds
005 Waiting and trembling in 5C degree
006 After 20 mns, that’s it。。。
007 Visitors with disappointing looks
008 Ms Yalan with disappointing look,too
009 The plants in high mountains(I)
010 (II)
011 The stunning scenery in nice weather(Photos by Mr.T)(I)
012 (II)
013 (III)
014 (IV)
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好山好水好风光,好景好色配佳人 :))
一伙人冷得直发抖 :)) 。。日出时,山谷汹涌的云海尤其壮观。。 :O)
特别是我等严重晕车的,绕山绕得直想吐。。 =))
我还比较好, 做N久车都不会晕!高空项目也可以玩,像蹦极啥的,玩一次觉得刺激第二次就没感觉了…. 😀
机体平衡感比较好,飞行员之流的超好了 😀
现在出门玩最早最早都是睡到8点才起来,岚姐身体棒棒的 =))
日出五点半左右,观光巴士四点来接,不早起赶不上啊。。 @-)
单反毁一生啊单反毁一生! :blush
一直在台北啊,长假是写给乃们的。。 😀
桂林的猫儿山(华南第一峰)去年去过也没见到日出,日落倒是漂亮得一塌糊涂。 :))
没觉得那啥啊,你思想太那啥了。。 =))
上次台风过后没停水,水质相当混浊,招来负评一片;所以这次事先通知居民储水,然后停了,清洁完毕后再放水。。要是没电,最难熬了 @-)
也没有天天出去玩啦,一个月一两次而已,因为拍的照片多,所以。。 :))
岚姐你的博客发生了什么,现在访问好慢好慢啊……翻一下墙才会快,这是要被认证的节奏么 :))
又是间歇性的“被认证”吧。。我这边访问很快的 🙂
日出很壮观,拼值了 😀 台湾有假吗 😀
10/10,纪念辛亥革命的National Day。。。 ;;)
图片真的拍得很好,风景很美,真希望生活在这个地方。 🙂
俯瞰安静幽美的山谷,心旷神怡啊。。还有最高海拔的便利店7/11 :))
一般情况下,就在总统府的广场来个大阅兵吧。。。 🙂
That’s right…… 😀 :O)
云雾缭绕的,才风情万千嘛。。。 😀