Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

As the important spot of tea-horse roads connecting Yunnan with Sichuan and Tibet, the old town of Lijiang has been a famous trade center in southwest China’s history, crowded by horse caravans, merchants, and travelers. Nowadays, all streets are full of tourists from various places. Women wearing fancy designed shawls, clothes and accessories in local Naxi style walk leisurely by twos and threes along the colorful stone paths and alleys, while men find themselves suddenly fall into a sea of flowers, busy watching pretty girls with their sparkling eyes and wondering why God only gives human one pair of eyes, hiahia.
Therefore, it’s kind of true that Chinese people regard this romantic town as one of the ideal places to “have affairs” (causal sex, or one-night stand if have to be frankly speaking).

The old town of Lijiang was built in the end of 13th century, based on the design of Shuhe old town. Sifang Jie Square is its heart, as well as the main business plaza of the ancient city. House and streets extend out the Square as a spider’s web, in irregular and asymmetrical layout without traditional grand city walls. The water from Black-dragon Pool joins another creek from Jade-dragon Snow Mountain, and becomes Yuhe River which has been divided into three streams after Yuhe Bridge, passing by the Watermills in North Gate of the city. The water is considered as the city’s eye, bringing freshness and vitality to this elegance town, and make it a dynamic place to live.
Naxi people have a special affection for water. They cherish the source of water and protect it carefully. Here comes their unique invention, the three-spit well (one well with three pools). The upper well providers drinking water, the middle is used for cleaning vegetables and the third is for washing laundry. People always strictly follow the rules as customs and habits. When Mr.T and I took a walk in the old town, we passed the Three-spit Well on Guangbi Alley. I just finished eating an apple, and had the feeling to run to the well to wash my sticky hands in the third pool. Wow! So amazing! The water is very clear and cold as icy water! However, at that time there’s an auntie cleaning chicken (or fish?) in the second pool. So Mr.T joked that I got stink fishy hands, yerk!


001 A good day to wander with my camera

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

002 Pretty Inn

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

003 Naxi Shawl shops

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

004 Fantastic minority clothes shop

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

005 The Fine Art of Wood Pyrography

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticsim  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

006 Pu’er Tea

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

007 Yak Meat Shop everywhere

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

008 “Noisy” Drums

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

010 Three-pit Well on Qiyi Street

 Lijiang Three-pit Wells Photography Night-view Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

011 The famous Three-pit Well on Guangbi Alley

 Lijiang Three-pit Wells Photography Night-view Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

012 The well-known Three-pit Well of White-horse Dragon Pool
(It looks too new after renovated)

 Lijiang Three-pit Wells Photography Night-view Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

014 Cute restaurant, hanging threads of dry pine cones as a curtain

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

016 Another nice one covered with green ivy

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

017 Ms Yalan is seriously reading an old book.
(Actually, it’s a menu,haha)

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

018 Dry Cheese with sugar, Mr.T’s favorite.
And my cool bean noodles(a speciality of Lijiang, but some taste so so)

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

019 Just relax in the greens near a small river

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

020 Write down your wishes and stick them high.
(No promise that they would become true.Just do it.)

 Lijiang old Town Photography Romanticism  Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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73 thoughts on this Post

  1. 这沙发不好抢啊!就能打开一张图片,不过很喜欢那木屋,古色古香的感觉!

      1. 图片打开了呢,看书的那张不符合你的形象啊,太淑女了有没有! :-O

    1. 乳扇是大理特产之一,以前上学时有同学带给我们吃,都吃不惯呢 😀

      1. 也有可能呢,畢竟系乾酪製品,不過看起來很不錯的樣子的說 😀

        1. 我吃了几片,奶香四溢,脆脆的,感觉挺不错 :O)
          随着时间和地域变化,个人口味也变了,和以前不太一样了 😀

  2. 绿藤配古朴的小店,再加上长发美铝,一道靓丽的风景~ =))

      1. 认真看看,人家那是打水在盆里洗的,不然第十图的小哥怎么洗衣嘛 😉

        1. 011图那大婶我认识。 :)) =)) 他们家卖姜糖的。 =))

    1. 很清的 O:-) 大概是周围井石的颜色,所以看上去不是那种清澈见底的

    1. 最开始时坐在最左边的,后来别人走了,我们就挪过去 :)) 正好发呆免费了

    1. 没有啊,也得等我家大头目有空了才一起出去散散心。。 🙂

  3. 哎呀,哎呀,终于找到一个发呆免费的地方了,果然与我有缘! =))

    1. 你有爱好,也有点小钱,不过没闲,走不开也没法走开 ;;) 不如换个环境咯

    1. 付得起几千上万的camera居然付不起几块的茶水钱,诳谁呢。。 😉

      1. 难道服务费不是消费金额的10%么,如果我小学老师没教错的话,0的10%应该也是等于0吧

    1. 既然是世界文化遗产古城,除非天灾人祸各种不可抗拒力,再过几百年应该没问题

  4. 挺喜欢发呆免费那个场所,哈哈 要是人少点能像言叶之庭里面的小亭子就好了。
    下次有机会来济南玩玩,也有泉水。 🙂

    1. 可以寻个幽静的小巷,小桥流水的店里喝茶发呆什么的。。 :))

    1. 哪里加了,根本就没有。国外的友人都能看到图,为啥你的网打不开 😉

    1. 丽江和迪庆都有的哈。。不过没多少真货,哪来这么多牦牛肉嘛 ;;)

  5. 现在好多古镇里的小店都被装修得好小清新的风格。

    1. 所以说,环境还是很重要的 😀 同样的事,不同的地方,不同的感受

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