Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

During the hot summer days of Taiwan, the most comfortable place shall be the mountain areas with low temperature. Many people bring the whole family to the charming forest for cool air or swim in the clean river from the valleys.

Some others may prefer to spend the holiday in the pretty farm inns usually locating in Nantou or Hualian. They take a leisure time to walk along the mountains, breath fresh air, pick wild flowers and special farm fruit(blueberry, strawberry, ect), then at night have a romantic bath surrounded by the forest before falling asleep.
Sounds very pleasant, isn’t it?

001 Take the small train to save some energy…

Taiwan Forest Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

002 The butterflies on the wetland

Taiwan Forest Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

003 Ms Yalan busy in shooting photos

Taiwan Forest Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taiwan Forest Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

005 A little pumpkin by the mountain road(Oh, this naughty shape。。。

Taiwan Forest Photography Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

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51 thoughts on this Post

  1. 景色不错,岚姐到处的旅行让人很羡慕,不过最后一张图的南瓜算是亮点么。。 =))

    1. 有闲了就四处绕绕,总呆在家里多闷呀。。 B-) 亮点么,你说是便是咯

      1. 恩,一定是我想多了 B-) ,还有就是那个车,好像那种观光的小火车

    1. 3 Q ….. 🙂 “该页面可能已被非法篡改”,童鞋你得给网站杀毒了

          1. 南投、花莲的景点查了个遍,还是觉得太鲁阁像一点。睡觉睡觉,晚安,妖女。

    1. 的确,TW和日本都是长寿国家 ;;) 但由于工作压力,自杀率也很高

  2. 哈哈,據我考證,這應該是滿月圓國家森林遊樂區。 =))

  3. 从背后看头发还是那么长,在桂林两年了我貌似只见到过一次头发和你差不多长的。

    1. 待你长发及腰,孤便派妖姬踏着七彩云来接你。。。 :evil =))

  4. 现在最想去的地就是台湾,大概是喜欢侯孝贤长镜头里的台湾,还有充满着烟火味的街道,比较麻烦的是我户口所在地不能自由行,证件很麻烦

    1. 哟,多年不见,小漠。。。 =))
      户口问题最麻烦了,每次想半点事情都让人抓狂不已 X( 。。不在自由行的地域么,只能通过旅行社办理跟团了。。

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