Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Here comes early summer, another rainy weekend in Taipei.

My orchids start their third blooming season in the garden: one already has three purple flowers, the other two still show no sign of blossom. Obviously, they are late to make flowers this year, why why why…

Near the entrance, Mr.T’s fig trees grow vigorously almost to two meters high, with young green leaves. Every time when the breeze passes by, we get the fresh smell of fig leaves, quite pleasant in the morning. The blueberry bush in the corner doesn’t fail us, too, bearing dozens of berries on its twigs. Recently we have a handful of mature blueberries, hooray. It’s really enjoyable to eat them fresh from the trees…


Taipei life Art Orchids Flowers Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taipei life Art Orchids Flowers Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会


Taipei life Art Orchids Flowers Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

004 The first blue blueberry in the garden

Taipei life Blueberry Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

005 Mr.T pick a handful of blueberries(yummy,yummy…

Taipei life Blueberry Romanticism Yalan雅岚 黑摄会

Happy Dragon-boat Festival, everyone!

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38 thoughts on this Post

            1. 当然…不能,哈哈。纯粹字面意思,放了许多美味香料的灰粽

  1. 在阳台也能种出蓝莓来吃,太厉害了,我们家也就只能重点韭菜、葱花之类的蔬菜而已。祝岚姐端午节快乐

    1. 蝴蝶兰以桃红、紫色、白色居多,也有黄色及各种斑点条纹,每次去花市都想抱一堆回来,哈哈

  2. 我也喜欢兰花,可惜我现在无心也无精力去照顾它们。

    1. TW盛产蝴蝶兰,气候湿度很合适,不时浇浇水就好,一般蝴蝶兰开8-10朵花左右,然后逐年减少,我这盆只有三朵,最次品了,哈哈

    1. 白露为霜^_^表皮的防护蜡层,称为果粉,无害,据说可以护肝

  3. 我家现在主要种的花草都是兼具耐旱、长得结实、生命力强悍等特点, 较为娇贵的花,都已经在我们经常忘记浇花的情况下回归大自然了……

    1. 蓝莓有许多品种,酸甜度不一,主要产地美国、加拿大、智利,看个人口味咯

  4. 从来没见过树上的蓝莓啊。

    1. 是哦,气候也是决定因素,在上海时基本就没种活过花草(汗)

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